Journal Entry #4

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Thursday 12/17/15
Are you kidding me?! School was cancelled because a little bit of ICE?!? Ugh! Normally I'd be happy, but I had a mission, dammit! I needed to figure out that Therian guy's name and Theriotype(s). But, we did have 5 tests today, so that is ONE good thing. I'm also angry because I walked a mile to my bus stop, falling all the way (in pitch darkness), and NO one was there...A neighbor told me school was cancelled, and I had to walk another mile back home. I was freezing! I also figured out Ahiga is a blue nosed Pitbull and his ears aren't cropped either, I've also decided to call him Pudge (PudgeFace).
Good night!
Stay Strong and Therian On óÔÔò

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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