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"Kalin let me drive, you're to upset." 

Taylour and Myles had come upstairs with us to see what was wrong since Kalin jumped up as soon as he hung up the phone with his mom. Myles threw me the keys before Kalin could get them. Kalin just nodded and walked towards the garage and shut the door behind him. I turned toward Taylour and Myles,

"So she didn't say what happened and how bad it is?" Myles asked concerned. 

"No, so were going into this completely blind, which is probably not good for him." I said as I picked up the backpack that I told Taylour to go pack quickly with clothes and toothbrushes and stuff just in case we stayed at the hospital overnight. I walked toward the garage and the two of them followed. 

"Well text me as soon and you know whats up, Taylours gonna stay over but we can leave anytime to go to the hospital or bring you something, or anything just let us know." 

"Ok, Ill let ya know, thank you." I hugged them both. 

"Just make sure you know where he goes if he walks off." Myles whispered in my ear as we hugged. I just nodded and walked into the garage. 

Kalin was sitting in the passenger seat rubbing his eyes. I got in the car and started it and backed out. I made sure I didn't back up into Taylours new car that was parked in the driveway, her new movie must've done well. I started down the driveway and the gate opened, and I turned onto the rode. Not gonna lie I was pretty nervous a $100,000+ custom Range Rover. Plus I hadn't driven since I had even met Kalin, and his car was way more touchy. I almost threw Kalin through the front windshield when I stopped at a stop sign. He just balanced himself by grabbing the dash and grunted. We finally made it onto the freeway to the hospital when he grabbed my hand. I looked over at him and he was looking straight forward completely tense. 

"Baby keep breathing, she's gonna be ok, we don't even know that its that bad." He relaxed a little and let out a big breath, I pressed the play button on the steering wheel since my other hand was occupied and being crushed to death by Kalins huge, tense hand. I passed through channels until I found the one I was looking for, the christian channel. I had secretly made this channel for moments like these. The song Holy Spirit by Francesca Battistelli came on. Kalin completely relaxed and hummed along for awhile. I exited off the freeway to the hospital exit. We drove up to the parking garage, took a ticket and parked. We took the skywalk to the hospital and went to the front desk. 

"Hi were here to see Alexia White. The receptionist typed into her computer. 

"Oh ok she's in room 302, elevators are over there." She pointed down the hall. 

"Thank you." I smiled. 

We got on the elevator and rode up to level 3 and then walked around until we found 302, it wasn't really rooms, it was more like walls between each patient, and then curtains that acted like a door. I looked at Kalin and smiled. 

"Big breath babe." 

He inhaled and then exhaled before we pulled the curtain back to expose whatever was waiting for us.

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