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Hi peoples I need to ask you all a massive favour... So d'ya remember I said about my first book, when the snow melts? It's sorta fruits baskety... So wattpad (the app version) decided to randomly turn evil and delete every part. Luckily I had them saved so yeah.. But it's really not getting back reads since I posted it first, so if you haven't already please go check it out you'll be my favourite person :) so yeah sorry for the nag....

Sayuri's POV:

I collapsed on the ground, tears already streaming down my face. He'd been so close, and I could tell that I was bothering him. Why did I even let myself become closer to him? He hated me, that was for sure. Just like everyone else, he was in love with Michiko, he wanted to be near Michiko. How could I have been so stupid? Next to Michiko, I would always be ugly, boring, second best. And I knew it.

There was a tentative knock at my door, and I knew it was Michiko. Anyone else wouldn't bother knocking. I guessed that was why I loved her so much; she deserved to be better then me.

"Hey Sis" she murmured. "Are you Ok?"

"Yeah..." I sighed. "I just realised what an idiot I am"

"Is this about Nekozawa?" She asked.

"No-ooo" I said, going red and turning away. For some reason she didn't fall for it.

"You're a terrible liar" she sighed. "What happened?"

"He hates me" I choked.

Michiko pulled me into a hug and handed me her hanky. It was embroidered, as was the typical Michiko style, with intricate patterns of roses, bunny rabbits and bluebirds. I took it and wiped my eyes.

"You love him." Michiko stated, giving me a look as I tried to give her back the snotty handkerchief. "And you can keep that."

"I don't!" I exclaimed, genuine shock filling my expression. "Why would you even think that?"

She rolled her eyes and patted my shoulder.

"Sayuri, if you hadn't noticed, you're sitting in your room crying about him"

I sighed, forgetting that Michiko obviously wasn't aware of quite how... emotional... I was. I figured this had something to do with the fact that she'd only seen me cry once or twice before. I was very good at crying quietly, and my 'hay fever' covered for me most of the time. After all, for Michiko, the world was perfect and everyone was happy.

"Alright that's 1" I told her. "What else?"

"Sayuri dear, I don't know if you know this, but you talk in your sleep"

I stared at her. "I do?" I asked.



"Oh indeed" smirked Michiko.

"Michiko, could you come down hear a second please? I need your opinion on something" called my mother from downstairs.

Michiko gave me an apologetic look. "Sorry Yuri" she whispered.

Once she'd gone, I groaned and lay back on my bed. I didn't love Nekozawa. I was just upset that he didn't like me.

"Oi!" Came a yell from outside. Probably my mother. I chose to ignore it.

"Sayuri?" It came again. I sighed, opened my curtains and stepped out onto the balcony. The cold air made me shiver in my cotton nightgown. I looked down and my heart almost stopped altogether.

There, outside, clutching a massive bunch of pink lilies, was Nekozawa.

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