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Hey guys!! Guess who got 500 reads? Me that's who! *giggles insanely* so you have a bit of a bonus chapter here, it's kinda a big innuendo.

Sayuri's POV:

"Hi" I called, seeing Nekozawa in the hallway.

I know what your thinking: shouldn't I be calling him Umehito by now? But he told me that name makes him feel like an umbrella, so I'm calling him by his surname.

"Hey baby the host club are gonna meet us outside music room 3 so we can walk home together ok?" He smiled at me and I nodded.

We walked through the hall and made our way to the host club.

"So how was your day?" Nekozawa asked.

"Not bad, yours?

"Not the best" he grimaced and sensing something was up I have him a tight hug.

"What happened"

"Well, Beelzenef suddenly announced that he wants to travel the world so he can meet as many occult glove puppets as is possible. I swear all he cares about is women nowadays."

"Oh..." I said. "I guess you'll miss him."

"Yeah" he sighed. "But I have you, don't I?"

I smiled and kissed him, putting my arms around his neck and standing on tiptoes to reach his lips. Unfortunately he obviously wasn't expecting that because he took one step forwards and fell on me.

"Ow" I complained.

"Sorry Yuri" he breathed, and I suddenly realised our position.

I was lying on my back on the floor and he was lying on top of me, our bodies pressed together and our faces inches apart from each other.

Tentatively, I moved closer to him; gradually closing the gap between our faces as a slight smile tugged on the corners of my lips. He caught his breath and looked at me, slightly parting his lips. I could feel his heart rate quicken against mine and saw a flicker of lust in his eyes. I raised one finger carefully and then-


He gasped and tickled me back, making me squeal. I rolled us over so I was on top, tickling his sides until he laughed so hard he almost peed.

"Stop it" he cried and I grinned.


He rolled over so he was on top and crouched over me to tickle my neck. I kicked him and he screamed, giving me the advantage. I took my position on top of him and tickled him mercilessly everywhere I could reach, pulling off his blazer and tie in an effort to reach his collarbones.

He was almost crying now, but managed to roll us over so he was on top. I made little gasping noises as he tickled me behind my neck, and he panted. We were both sweating a little, and my hair had been messed up. His blazer and tie lay in a messy heap around us and we lay there for a minute, him on top of me, our legs tangled together, breathing heavily.

"Wow Sayuri" came a voice "I never knew you were the kind of girl that went for it in the middle of a school corridor"

I looked around to see the entire host club plus Renge and Michiko staring at us from the doorway.

It was a twin who had spoken, I couldn't tell the difference between Hikaru and Kauru. They all stood facing me with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Seriously though" said Kyoya. "I know you two are dating but we really don't need to see that. If a teacher walked in then you would have been in massive trouble"

I blushed, and Nekozawa hastily got up and began pulling his tie back on.

"I know what this looks like but I can explain. I merely fell over on top of Sayuri and-"

"Oh so that explains how out of breath you are, the pile of clothes and the noises we heard from inside the host club?" Asked Tamaki.

"Let me finish, I fell over on top of Sayuri ad then she tickled me."

A look of realisation crossed the host clubs faces.

"Ok" said Renge. "Although you do realise that Mori here has the photos from when we came in. I'm sure the newspaper club would pay a very good price for these."

I gasped in horror. "You wouldn't"

"Oh I would" Renge smirked. "Now, I will delete these pictures right now on one condition..."

One week later:

"Oh wow superman, you sure saved me this time" I said in a monotone voice.

"Yes fair maiden, you are beautiful but not as beautiful as Renge who is the most amazing person ever and is also really cool" sighed Nekozawa, fiddling awkwardly with the cape of his tight superman costume.

"Yes your right, Renge is the best" I stated, my ballerina costume making me look like an overgrown teddy bear.

"Thank you and goodnight" said Nekozawa, to be met by rapturous applause.

Only 24 more classrooms to go.

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