Under the Mistletoe- GrUvia

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••Authors Note: OH MY GOSH!! This is so late! I'm so sorry!! I've just been so busy! My aunt just got out of the hospital, my stepdads dog died on Christmas Eve, my moms car got hit with a bale of hay and our power went out so we couldn't do laundry or anything... I'm sorry this is so late! And to make up for that, I'm going to do this GrUvia AND I'm going to do the JeRza I wasn't sure about! I hope this extra long and surprise Under the Mistletoe are enjoyable! Love you all my fairies!!••

~I dont own FT, Hiro does... But it will be mine hahahahaha~
Authors POV
Juvia Lockster sat alone at one of the wooden booths in Fairy Tail's guild hall. She wasn't hidden behind a pillar or somebody else for once, she was just sitting. Just thinking. Her mind was plagued with unhappy and bitter thoughts. About herself, Gray Fullbuster, Lucy Heartfillia, everyone.

~Why doesn't Gray-sama like Juvia? Is Juvia too cruel to Lucy-san? Does Lucy-san hate Juvia? Does Juvia actually hate Lucy-san? Does Gray-sama hate Juvia?~

These were the thoughts that ran through Juvia's (crazy) mind. For once, Juvia wasn't just thinking about how to win over 'Gray-sama' or how to take down her love rivals, she was thinking about how her actions had affected everyone. It was Christmas and everyone had been more than kind to her, especially Lucy: who had spent all day trying to make Juvia happy by telling her jokes, getting her food and drinks, making silly faces and, even going as far as, making fun of herself. All to try to get Juvia to smile.

Juvia: who had always been mean, nasty, jealous and angry towards Lucy: was being cheered up by Lucy, her mortal and sworn enemy. It was very puzzling to Juvia, she thought and thought about why-how.. What was Lucy trying to do?

"Juvia?", a small and kind voice broke the water mage from her thoughts. Juvia looked up and saw a blonde woman standing beside her, "Can I sit with you?"
Juvia looked at Lucy in awe, "Uhh... Yes, sure, sure..."
Lucy smiled and sat down across from her, "Thank you, Juvia"

Juvia nodded and looked at Lucy for a few minutes before she said, "Why is Lucy-san being so kind to Juiva?"
Lucy looked at Juvia with pity and kindness in her eyes, "I want to help you, Juvia, with Gray."
Juvia's eyes widened in shock, "B-but why?", Lucy smiled again and said, "Because, you deserve someone who likes you back. Someone who cares about and loves you too."

Juvia's eyes began to water and tears poured onto her face, "Juvia is so thankful to have a nice friend like Lucy-chan!!! Bwaaaaaahhh", Juvia launched herself across the booth table and latched onto the poor blonde, she squeezed her in a tight hug. It felt like hours, to Lucy, before the water woman let go, still crying.

Lucy laughed and said, "I'm happy that you don't want to kill me anymore!", they laughed for a few moments before Juvia gasped.
"But, Lucy-chan, what about Natsu-san!?", Juvia asked, remembering the blonde's new boyfriend, "Won't he want to spend time with you?"
Lucy giggled, "He won't mind! It's Christmas, this is his gift to me! Letting me help you without him complaining, it'll be nice."

Juvia smiled, "That's very kind, Lucy-chan... Juvia doesn't deserve your kindness..."
"Of course you do!", Lucy stood and places her hands on the table, "Everyone deserves kindness, even people who have messed up."
Juvia stood up as well, "Thank you. Now, what is the plan?"

Lucy smiled even bright as she explained her plan to make Gray Fullbuster fall for Juvia Lockster.

Time-skip brought to you by cats, cause everybody loves them•

Juvia looked at Lucy curiously, "How is getting dressed up supposed to make Gray-sama fall in love with Juvia?"
Lucy smirked, "Wearing something nice for Natsu always gets the trick done. I'm sure Gray will appreciate seeing you in something different for once!", Juvia blushed at Lucy's insinuation. She stood frozen in front of Lucy's closet, staring at the elegant clothes.

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