Mission from the Council

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Narrator pov

After finally admitting their feelings for eachother...along with an awkward dinner with Sting and Yukino.... Rouge helps (y/n) find her own apartment. After moving in and lots of door replacements courtesy of Sting , Natsu and other guild members (y/n) is finally feeling happy and at home. (Y/n) is yet to reveal her full power to anyone else yet. Practicing with Rouge in privite to help her gain control. All seems good and happy for the first time in her life since Gortana.

Your pov

" Okay! Im done!" I say exhausted after practicing my control all day long falling back to lay on the grass of the clearing. " can we go home now? Im starving!" I beg, I hear Rouge laugh and agree. Getting up Rouge pulls me into a kiss suprising me, " I don't think I'll ever get used to having you kiss me" I coo at him smirking at his blush. I laugh and I pull him behind me to get going.

~~~Time skip to at home yay food!~~~

Rouges pov

Eating dinner with (y/n) I hear a commotion at the door, getting up I open the door and see the three exceeds chasing eachother around. Seeing that the door was open they all fly in, laughing and still playing. " so you guys had fun I see" I laugh and see (y/n) laughing and I can't help but stare at her beautiful smile. I can't believe she is mine, I sigh and see how dark it is out. " I should get back to the guild Sting will want to see Lector and Froshe will want to clean up I bet." She gets up with a cute pout on her face and gives me a hug and kiss good bye. Closing the door behind me I walk back to the guild with a smile on my face.

Your pov

Sad to see Rouge leave you sit and talk with Willow before going to have a quick shower. Feeling the hot water run over your tired muscles feels so good you could just stay there for hours. " (y/n)!! Someone brought a letter for you they just dropped it off!" I can hear her calling to me saying its important so with a resigned sigh I get out of the shower and put on my tshirt and some shorts and go out and see what this " important letter" is about. " You get so excited when we get mail. Everything is super important to you isn't it?" I ask her and laughing as she nods her head.

Im shocked to see it was a letter from the council, I hastily rip it open afraid I did something wrong.
Greetings (y/n)

We are happy to see you have joined the Fairytail/Sabertooth guild and have found a place to live. We have heard allot of good things about you from clients.
We have been having an issue with a dark guild, The Devils Haste I believe you are familiar with them due to past encounters. If you think you can handel it we want to send you on a scouting mission just to observe them and find their base camp.
If you accept please have your guild master send word to us and let us know of your team we figure a small 6 person team would be adequate.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Willows pov.

Flying around the apartment I see (y/n) has become stressed and is look pale and afraid? " (Y/n) whats wrong? What did it say?" I ask her worried.
In a shakey voice she replies " They want to send me and 5 others of my choosing to scout over the dark guild The Devils Haste" she growls as she says its name. The guild who did unspeakable things to hear after Gortana left , all I know is that when she found my egg she was still terrified of everything especially lightning. Apparently she found mw only a few weeks after her escape. I look at her worried and ask her if she is going to go. " Oh you can bet I'm going. I'll do anything to help take them down." She replied and then she got up and went to bed. Im really worried about her.

~Time skip to the next morning~

Rouge pov

I wake up to a light knocking on my door and the sound of it creaking open, looking out the window the sun has hardly started to rise. " hey Rouge sorry to wake you." I can smell her sweet scent like lillies and black berries I lift the covers motioning her to join me, I see a sweet little blush appear as she takes her boots off and scoots into the bed with and me. I'm suprised as she pushes right up to me and hides in my chest. " whats wrong?" I ask concerned my voice still sleepy.
" The council sent me a letter. They want me and 5 others to do a scouting mission for them. They want us to follow members of the guild The Devils Haste" I feel her start shaking slightly at the mention of the name, a worried look comes to my face as she continues. " They are a horrible guild full of horrible people. I am going to do it but I need five more people and someone to watch Willow its too dangerous for her." I pull her close as sooth her, Im unsure if its fear or anger thats causeing this but I am going to help her.

Your pov

I feel Rouge pull you closer, and you start to calm down thankful because I dont want him knowing that past yet. I'm just not ready. " well you have me, and you know Sting will help. We will go to the Fairytale guild hall and see if we can find 3 others aswell to help." Smiling up at him I can't believe he is willing to help! How did I ever find someone like him. I thank him and cuddle into his warm arms and relax for a bit before heading to Fairytail, Sting eagerly following and the exceeds at home with Yukino.

~~ At Fairytale ~~~~

Narrators pov

After arriving at Fairytail, (y/n) tells everyone about the mission from the council asking for volenteers from the guild. To her suprise almost the whole guild wants to help, she is brought to tears as she never thought to have so many people who want to help her. After allot of talking and lots of fights the team is decided.

Your pov

There are so many who are willing to help. But I am amazed at all the dragon slayers. They are all the opposite of me, full of fight and rambunctious I can't believe they have the energy to do anything with how much they fight. But they seem to all bring it together as a team, they are really like a family....my family.

" Okay so Sting, Rouge, Gajeel,Erza and Gray. Thank you for wanting to help me. You have no idea how much this means to me. Now Ill have master send word today and we will meet at the train station tomorrow at 9." I let them go to start packing their things. I decide to stay at Rouges for the night having already packed.

Your pov

"Rouge thank you again." I say to him, laying down in the bed facing the now smiling dragon slayer. Without responding he pulls me close and into a kiss. Starting softly our lips moving together in unison, wanting more I try and pull him closer making it more intese. He is now half on top of me, he nips at my bottom lip and I open my mouth craving more. His tongue rough yet oh so gentle explores my mouth. Breaking the kiss only for breath we continue I feel his hands wraping around my waist pulling my hips closer to his. Out of no where he kisses my neck quickly and lightly nips the same spot. Pulling away leaving me out of breath and full of want he laughs! " We can finish that when we get home my love" he gives me another quick kiss and lays back down beside me and goes to sleep. " so unfair!" I laugh and snuggle up to him falling asleep myself unaware of the shape in the window watching waiting for us to leave, waiting for its chance to once again have me.


Oh that was long! Ooops haha!
Anyways what a creep for watch you and rouge gah!! Haha

So in the next few chapters there may be some graphic parts. Right now im not sure if it will be good or bad if you catch my drift but ill leave a warning at the beginning of the chapters that are ..graphic. anyways thank you for your reads!! The more I see the more i want to write!! :)!!! Eeep! Yay!

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