Finally Free

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Narrator Pov

After finally marking eachother, (y/n) and Rouge decided to move in together. The apartment search was tough but finally they found one just in time.

Rouges pov

The last few months have been great we finally have our own place. I am so happy we are together! Its been so nice to go on all these missions with (y/n) and to finally be on our own. Hopfully soon we can start our family, I even bought her a ring. Will the right time ever come up? Maybe this week since its her birthday. Thinking to myself as I sit on the couch waiting for (y/n) and Willow to come back from their quick meeting with the coucil. They still don't trust that she has completly taken control of her magic. With a sigh I get up and make some tea, looking out the window I see (y/n) and Willow walking up to the house. I get down another cup knowing she would like some tea aswell when she gets inside. " Froshe Willow and (y/n) are back!!!" I call and the exceed runs out of the bedroom with a huge smile. " finally" Froshe says hopping up and down.

Your pov

" hey Willow aren't you happy we don't have to go back to the coucil anymore?" I ask as she flys around in circles. " Most definitely!...soooooo when are you going to tell Rouge?" She says with a laugh. " Maybe this week! I just want to wait for the right time so don't say anything to Froshe okay! I want it to be a suprise! " I make sure she promises before we walk up the our place. Heading up the stairs I see Rouge waiting at the door with an excited Froshe at his side. " finally your home! Its weird not having you around for a few days." He says to me as he picks me up in a tight hug and carries me into the house. He sets me down and pulls me into a kiss, I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. Pulling away for air," Guess what?" I say giving him a quick kiss on the lips, he just looks at me with a questioning look. " no more magic council meetings!!!!annnd on the trip out of nowhere my Katana just appeared!thankfully on the way there!" I say with excitement in my voice. " That is amazing!!" He kisses me again and picks me up and carries me over to the couch, I straddle his lap so I can still be close an kiss him. " so what do you want to do for your birthday? It is tomorrow." He asks after a few more kisses. " umm why don't we just stay in, we could order take out and watch movies! I just want to relax with you" I lean my head against his shoulder as I say this not feeling too well." Hey are you okay? Are you getting sick?" I shake my head and just say Im tired and sore from the trip. " I have an idea then...lets take a bath..I've always wanted to do that with you." With a smile I agree and we get up and go into the bathroom, the exceeds just watch a movie while we leave. Finally the bath is full and Rouge starts stripping down. "Now I have deffinitly missed this" I say as I take in his muscles abs and toned arms and body.

Rouges pov
I blush slightly as she looks me up and down, she starts to get undressed aswell " annnd I have missed this aswell" I walk up to her running my hands over her now exposed breasts and stomach. I enjoy how the mark I left stops just below her collarbone, teasing me. I can see her start to blush aswell, she reaches out and pulls at the hem of my boxers and I realize I still have them on. Taking them off quickly I hop into the bath and beckon her to come in she goes to sit across from me. " hey now you come over here Im going to help you relax your muscles." She moves so she is now sitting inbetween my legs leaning her back against me, she sighs contently and closes her eyes. I bring my hands up and start to massgae her shoulders and neck, going down each of her arms and hands. Her moans of pleasure are enticing as I continue, wrapping my arms around her stomach I kiss her neck. " I really did miss you, and I love you so much." I say to her.

Your pov

" I love you too Rouge, I hated being away that long." I say to him quietly. I feel his hands start to move again gently rubbing my breasts and stomach working down and massaging my hips. I feel him stiffen and poke my back, knowing what he wants I laugh gently. He pulls me back a bit more by my hips and puts his hand between my legs and starts giving me a different kind of massage. After a few minutes I finally release and he hugs me tightly, " your turn" I say in a sexy voice. I turn around in the bath and straddle him again, feeling him twitch with anticipation I gently lower myself down onto him making us both moan. After a few minutes he finally gets his release and I just sit there with him still inside me and lean against him. After we get out of the bath we head to bed, its been a long day thats ended amazing. " I love you Rouge" I whisper, as I start to dozs off I hear him reply " I love you too".

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