Chapter 2

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Naruto's pov

I went home and quickly packed up the things I would need for the mission in case it went wrong which if the Hokage wanted me to go with them it is bound to go wrong at some point. I quickly changed into my new jonin uniform (a/n: think Kakashi's minus the mask or see picture) and shinshined to the gate to wait for the genin team. As I waited they slowly started to show up along with the client, when their sensei showed up he was looking around for me. I was leaning on the wall behind him waiting for him to ask me who I was but it never came.
"Um Ebisu." I said catching his attention. He turned around to face me along with his team and the bridge builder.
"Who are you?" Ebisu asked.
"Name's Namikaze Uzamaki Naruto," I said before disappearing and reappearing behind him "or as you may know me as Inari the Lord of Foxes and ANBU Captain." I finished whispering in his ear. He looked at me with fear but quickly snapped out of it.
"Alright lets go." He said to his team. We started for the wave when Tazuna asked Ebisu if him, me, and the genins could protect him. I chuckled lowly at his comment slightly scaring him and the genins.

"Tazuna I'm an elite Jonin and he's is aswell." Ebisu said and I chuckled again. After that was settled I felt two chunin level chakra signatures up ahead. I inwardly smirked.

Kit the Demon Brothers are up ahead.

They are why would they be there I didn't tell them to do anything not even to follow me so why are they here do you know Kurama?

No I don't kit maybe someone hired them.

They would have to pay a large amount for those two to work for them since they are only loyal to me.

Maybe that Gato has something to do with it since he is wanting to kill this bridge builder you an this team are protecting.

Should I teach them a lesson?

That would be fun to watch Kit. Kurama said with a smirk present in his voice. I then smirked as we passed a puddle on the ground. The Demon Brothers rose out of those puddles and 'slashed' me and Ebisu to 'pieces'. Once that was done I quickly changed into my ANBU attire and waited for the right moment to come out.


The three genins, Tazuna and the Demon Brothers where the only ones in the clearing Ebisu and Naruto had been 'killed'.

"Hahaha two done three to go." Gozu laughed while the genins moved to protect Tazuna. Meizu was about to charged the genins when there was a flash of crimson red and Inari was standing there blocking Meizu's attack.

"N-nogitsune" Gozu stuttered.

"Ah Gozu Meizu what brings you to this part of the land of fire?" Inari asked with a bit of Kurama's voice mixed in.

"B-b-business N-nogitsune." Meizu stuttered backing up away from Inari.

"What kind of business Meizu and don't you dare lie to me it wouldn't end well for you." Inari said with a bit of his killing intent leaking out making the genin shiver and Tazuna want to faint. How does Inari know those two? Ebisu asked himself.

"W-w-we w-w-here h-hired t-to k-kill that m-man T-Tazuna." Gozu stuttered shrinking underneath Inari's glare.

"Who hired you two kill Tazuna?" Inari snapped.

"G-Gato did N-Nogitsune." Meizu said. Inari growled making Tazuna faint and the genin pale.

"Why did you except money from him when you are loyal to me?" Inari asked tilting his head to the side.

"I-it was alot of m-money."Gozu said. Inari sighed and pulled out a scroll and started to write something down on it, when he was done he looked up at the panicking Demon Brothers.

"Gozu, Meizu go to Konoha tell the two lazy men at the gate that you two want to see the Hokage then give him this and say it's from Inari once he has read it he will tell you what to do understand." Inari ordered the two chunins.

"Hai Nogitsune." And with that said the Demon Brothers where gone and so was Inari.

"What just happened?" Konohamaru asked while the others shrugged. Ebisu and Naruto walked out of the bushes scaring the three genin Tazuna was still out so he saw nothing.

"Yo." Naruto said to the crying team in front of him.

"We thought you two died!" Kononhamaru cried hugging the unsuspecting Naruto who stiffened at the contact.

"Now do I look like someone that would die that easily?" Naruto said tellaporting out of Konohamaru's hold.

"N-no." Konohamaru sniffled looking down.

"Hey don't cry ninja must never show their emotions." Naruto said putting a hand on Konohamaru's shoulder. All the boy did was nod.

Time skip

"Well now why didn't you tell the Hokage this I'm sure he would of understood your predicament." Ebisu told Tazuna who looked down. Naruto stood behind Ebisu thinking on what to do.

"Well it looks like this is why the Hokage wanted me to accompany you on this mission." Naruto sighed.

"You think so." Ebisu said looking at him. Naruto nodded.

Kit what are you going to do? Kurama asked.


"Alright I'll be taking over this mission you four are to follow what I say." Naruto said sternly.

"Why?" Tazuna asked.

"I'm not just any jonin I'm actually an ANBU." Naruto said looking at Tazuna. He nodded as well as the others as they walked towards the Wave.

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