Chapter 6

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~Dan's POV~

The line for the Manchester Eye was reasonably short, so Phil and I didn't have to wait long before we were escorted into our own little pod. 

It was quite a small little space so we were forced to stand pretty close - not that I was complaining. The wheel started moving and I gasped, surprised at the speed.

"You right, Dan?" Phil smirked. I playfully hit his arm. "I just wasn't expecting it to be this fast," I chuckled. He laughed, poking his tongue out in that adorable way that just made my heart beat faster.

We both looked out over the city. Well, he did. I couldn't stop my eyes from continuously flicking back to him, his beautiful face and body, which I'm sure he noticed. 

Eventually, he looked back at me too. My heart jumped as he smiled at me. I blushed and turned back to look out at the view of Manchester. This time, the tables had turned, as I could feel his eyes on me. And they weren't moving. 

This is not what I had expected to happen when I first started talking to him on Twitter. I hadn't expected to fall for him as hard as I had. I thought it was just a silly crush. I guess I hadn't expected him to be this perfect.

Finally, I felt his eyes drift back to the view. We were right at the top, with a perfect view of Manchester in front of our eyes. But I found myself looking back at Phil again. I'm not sure why, there was just something about him that captivated me. And not just appearance-wise. 

I couldn't stop my eyes from glancing at his lips, and I think he noticed, because he looked back at me with a small smile. I swear I saw him glance at mine too, and this gave me a new wave of confidence.

It wasn't one of those situations where I could say I had nothing to lose. I had a lot to lose. My best friend, a roof over my head for the next few days and most of all my heart. But I didn't care.

I stepped forward slowly until my body was almost pressed against his, and without a second thought I leaned in, slightly rising on my tiptoes, and pressed my lips to his.

It only lasted for a few seconds before I pulled away, worried, but during those few seconds, I felt ecstatic. His lips were soft and welcoming and I would've pulled him even closer if I hadn't been suddenly terrified of how he would react. He didn't exactly kiss back, although to be fair I didn't give him much time to do so, and that scared me.

I stepped backwards and buried my head in my hands. "I'm sorry, that's not what...I mean, I know you...I didn't..." I felt myself blushing furiously in embarrassment. 

Phil stepped forward and chuckled, gently holding both of my hands and pulling them away from my face. "Dan," he said, before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine again.

This kiss was a lot better. This is what I would classify as our first official kiss. He rested his hands on my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, craving more and more of him. I felt myself smile against his lips as he deepened the kiss, and for once I felt truly happy.

It lasted for a long time; several minutes, in fact, before we both pulled apart for oxygen. He rested his forehead against mine and kept me close to him. 

"That was really nice," he murmured, and I smiled. "Yeah," I breathed, still slightly out of breath.

"Phil...I really like you," I said quietly, blushing once more.

He grinned. "I really like you too, Dan. I have for a long time."

"I was so nervous about doing that..." I took a deep breath, "I thought you'd reject me."

"Never," he whispered, before bringing his lips to mine once more. I kissed back eagerly before we were interrupted by the end of the ride.

He took my hand as we stepped off and I swear if anyone saw me at that moment I would've looked like the happiest person on earth. 


A/N: fluff fluff fluff

I wonder what my parents would say if they knew I was writing this stuff...I think they'd find it vaguely creepy. Oh well...

~current song: geronimo - sheppard~

btw, my chapter songs are pretty random, they're just whatever I happened to be listening to while writing. or sometimes they're the songs i'm obsessed with at the time.

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