Chapter 2

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Set: Before Avengers


Ever since I started working for SHIELD, less people have died at my hand. Of course I can't stop killing altogether, not in this business. But I am no longer killing innocents.
Thanks to SHIELD.
Thanks to...Clint.

However, scumbags like the rat standing before me do not count as innocent. And I have no problem bloodying my ledger to rid the world of...things like that.

I stir my drink with the tip of my finger, to check whether or not it has been tampered with.

A small receptor on my finger sends messages to the agent standing-by.

"There are strong drugs in the drink. Don't touch it agent." I hear through my ear. SHIELD's technology is forever getting more complex. The com-link in my ear would only be seen in very close inspection. Unlike a few years ago, where it was seen from a few feet away.

I have been with SHIELD for two years now. When I first joined, I instantly moved right up the ranks. Surpassing many agents who had been there far longer than I had.
Yet still, many do not trust me. Even after my loyal service.

They call me a double-agent. Or a freelancer. The Russian traitor.

This isn't what bothers me, however.

The sting of petty comments such as these do not exist in the Red Room. And therefore they do not exist in me.

I am the Red Room's creation.

But I am not their puppet.

Fury is the only one who knows that I am being hunted. Tracked down, by the remaining members. The ones without the chips in their brains. The ones who called for the culling of the girls...just so they could get to me.

"Target on the move." The agent says in my ear again.
I shift slightly on my seat. And push my drink forward on the counter.

Time for the party to get started.

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