[41] Here

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As the days turned to weeks, Calum became more and more preoccupied with work.

Prior to flying to America, we would often talk on the phone about all these plans to visit the aquarium, the butterfly pavillion, the conservatory to see the city lights or hang out in the beach together like we used to, but none of those actually ever happened.

Calum would often point out that it was just too "risky".

It would only draw too much attention to the both of us.

He said he didn't want us to be followed around and the rumours about us just recently died down. It was better that we didn't.

So I didn't care to argue despite being upset because, he had a point.

I resorted to appreciating the time we did have together, which would include occasional takeaways or movie marathons at home, while the rest of the boys went out for dinner without us.

Calum did introduce me to his closest friends in America, where I officially met John Feldman, who they worked with for long, strenuous hours in perfecting their craft of making music and the Madden Brothers on one occasion, when I stayed up late at the recording studio downtown. They were nice, though they didn't really speak much. They seemed to be very serious when it came to getting work done.

Calum would also take me to see their shows and I loved seeing him onstage and jumping around from the sidelines. Not only did he look super hot when he played his bass but up there, he looked really happy and himself and that was enough for me.

I would come with him and the rest of the boys to the after parties to celebrate hours later, but as soon as we got home, neither of us would have enough energy to even talk about much of anything else.

I tried my best to understand that this was what Calum's work was like and "play" was very much intertwined in it. The music business is inevitably founded on connections and though it was against what Calum believed, he didn't mind mingling with the crowd every now and then.

But, I couldn't help but begin to feel kind of lonely because the truth was, I only ever saw Calum twice in a day: in the morning before he left to write and record (if I was lucky) or at night, for his show and for dinner and I was leaving in 2 weeks time.

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For weeks, 5SOS have been preparing to go a big American awards show on live television and I was excited for them. I took part in the preparations and helped Calum pick out what to wear.

"I really like this shirt on you." I complimented him. "Red for a red carpet and it suits you. Plus, you look super intimidating, with your thick eyebrows on fleeq!"

"Hmm...I do love a red flannel. Not as much as Luke though." Calum lets out a laugh as we and the rest of the boys sat with their stylists. "Can I wear this shirt for the awards show?"

The stylists nod and take the shirt off the rack and the rest of the boys quickly skim through the outfits that were prepared for them to choose from.

"Let me guess..." I hum, before wrapping my arms around Calum's waist when no one was paying attention. "Black skinny jeans and black boots to match?"

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