[26] Welcome to Brighton

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G M T [Brighton, England]

I inhaled and exhaled deeply before, lightly tapping my fist on flat 11's bright yellow door which stood in front of me, near the heart of Brighton University's campus: Grande Parade, at Eastbourne. After a lot of fumbling up and down the steps to collect my luggage and boxes and urging my parents not to bother walking me through everything and brisk kisses and hugs, I was left huffing and puffing, from breaking a sweat, climbing 3 flights of stairs.

I guess I needed the help after all, but it was too late.

Now, I'm really on my own.

I heard a bunch of footsteps echo from the other side, towards the door and fast. With the few milliseconds I had, I ran my hands through my hair quickly and straightened my clothes, to make sure I looked as presentable as I could.

First impressions matter to some degree, I suppose.

The door swung open and there stood two girls: one who was of average height, freckled, with wavy. strawberry blonde hair and grey eyes and the other, was tall in stature, model-esque in figure, with dark, straight, raven hair, porcelain skin and piercing blue eyes. The former, bore a warm smile towards me and immediately leaned in for a brief hug. The latter, took one good look at me, smirked and walked back to the kitchen, pulling herself up to sit at the counters in a nonchalant way.

Taken aback by the hug, more than the "too-cool-for-school" attitude of the other, I stood in confusion as the girl released me and held me by my sides. "Namaste, you must be one of our roommates." She spoke in a really soft, high-pitched tone, as she took me by the hand and led me in through the door and rushed to help me push my things in. When the door shut, she slowly said: "My name is Avery Green. I am neat, a yogi and a tea enthusiast."

I couldn't help but break into a slight, uneasy, smile at the sight of her and what she had just said (Who talks like that?) but before I could introduce myself, the girl who sat on the counter, scoffed as she sipped from a can of Dr. Pepper.

"I'm Shannon. Shannon Davidson." She spoke with a husky voice and set her drink down, before looking up at me with the blankest expression on her face. "I clean up after myself, I suppose. I don't do dishes though, or hoover. I hate Tories, anything mainstream and the colour blue."

I winced as I nervously clocked my bright, shiny, blue luggage standing between us. "I'm Alexia Watson. My Dad bought me that suitcase, um...sorry, if you don't mind me asking, why don't you like the colour blue?"

Small talk is good.

I'm sure, she's not as bitchy as I think she is.

"It's mainstream." Shannon uttered, before hopping off the counter and walking away to her room. I heard Hailey's nervous laugh fill the air, as we watched Shannon's door shut.

So much for small talk.

"Oh, don't mind her!" Avery reassured me, as if reading my mind. "We went to the same secondary school in Sussex. She's really nice."

"Really..." My voice trailed, finding it hard to believe. Avery giggled, as she picked up my box and motioned me towards the other remaining vacant bedrooms.

"Since Shannon arrived first, she got to pick her bedroom first and obviously, it was, what she called: "the best one out of all the other shitholes."" She said, solemnly, before perking upright and grinning at me again. "But, they're just our rooms until we find a new place next year."

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