Chapter 7

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The screeching little figure pounced onto me and clung to me as tight as can be.

"Princess, what's wrong?!"
She started to cry into my chest and mumbled something.
"What did you say, baby? I can't hear you." I stroked her hair and held her.
She got up off my lap and grabbed my thumb. "I....I show you.." she sniffled, pulling me along with her. I followed her up the stairs to the room.
She stood on her bed and pointed to the ceiling.
"What is it, Princess? What's there?"
"SPIDER!" she squeaked, getting down from the bed and racing out the door.
I got the spider into a cup and tipped it out of the window. "Princess, I got the spider, you can come back!"
I heard a pitter patter of little feet and she came back to me, hugging me tight. "Thankyou, daddy." she smiled up at me.
"You're welcome, Princess. Now, how about I come sleep with you? We can sleep in my bed."
"Yes please!" she smiled big and ran into my room, diving onto the bed and sticking her butt up in the air.
I took off my jeans and shirt, then climbed into bed. My Princess was burying her face into the pillow with her butt still sticking up. I grabbed it playfully and she did a muffled scream, tumbling down beside me.
"Ahhhh! That's not funny!" she giggled, blowing raspberries onto my shoulder.
I looked at her. She wasn't too tired yet. I checked the time...9:50pm...hmm...

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