Chelsea and Andre<3 (Burnham Imagine)

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Chelsea and Andre<3~

Imagine you and Andre have been friends for a very long time. One day, you were at the Burnham house since Andre invited you to eat dinner over there. While the boys were playing football, Lily had the brightest idea. "Okay, so I am going to ask the boys if we can play football. If they say yes and Molly passes the football to me, I will pass the football to you and maybe Andre can tackle you and fall on top of you. At that point, he can tell you how he feels about you, hopefully." Lily said. "Good idea, Lily!"  You said with a huge smile. You and the girls got off the swings and walked over to where the boys were playing football. "Hello boys, may we join your game of football?" Lily asked. "Yeah, of course you ladies can." Forrest said, holding the football under his arm. You guys were playing football until Lily passed the ball to you. "Run Chelsea run!!!!" Molly and Lily shouted. Andre started running after you and with that, he caught up to you and tackled you to the ground, leading him to be on top of you. "Andre?" You asked him in a worried voice. "Yeah, Chels?" He asked, trying to catch his breath. "Are you okay?" You asked, still being worried. "Yeah, I am fine." Andre said. He looked deeply into your eyes. "Listen Chelsea, I have liked you for a long time and I know this is too soon, but..." He said. "But what?" You asked. "I love you." Andre said. You looked at him as your face turned red. Before you can say anything back, Andre plants his lips on yours.  He stopped kissing you after 3 minutes. "I love you too, Andre." You replied, with a huge smile across your face. He smiled and got up. He helped you up and you wiped the grass off of your blue top and your white shorts. With that, you guys played some more football and had a great time with each other.

~Hey Chels!!! I really hoped you like your imagine that I wrote for you. I tried my best writing this for you and I hope that this made you smile and make you blush big time (maybe). Well, like I said, I hope you enjoyed your imagine :)~

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