Cassie and Nick<3 (Jonas Brothers Imagine)

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Cassie and Nick

Imagine you and Nick have been going out for 2 years. You would go everywhere with him, even if it's just family reunions or family vacations. Nick went on his Summer tour with his brothers Joe and Kevin, and Kevin's wife Danielle. You have been dying to see him for the past 3 months. You decided to call your best friend Amanda and ask her to take you to see Nick, just so you can surprise him. After you got dressed, you heard Amanda knocking at your door. "Hey Cass! You ready to surprise Nick?" She asked. "Heck yeah! Let's go." You said with excitement. You get to the venue where Nick and his brothers were playing at and you got front row seats since his manager, Big Rob, knew about your surprise arrival for Nick. You walk into the huge concert room and sat in your seat. When they came out, they started singing songs that you liked. Nick saw you in the crowd and smiled. They stopped playing after "Love Bug". "There is a very special girl that I love that surprised me tonight. She has always came to every single concert and has supported me from the beginning all the way until now.  I would like to call my girlfriend, Cassie, to the stage." Nick said to the audience. You smiled and got up.  You walked up on stage and Nick gave you his big, warm hug that you always loved. "I called you on stage because I have something to ask you babe." He said.  You were confused, not knowing what was going on. Nick took out a black box made out of velvet material. He went down on his left knee. The crowd went wild and you put your hand over your mouth as you were crying with happiness. He gave a little speech. "Cassie Millet, will you marry me?" Nick asked as he opened up the box. "Yes!" you said in the microphone. All of the fans screamed with excitement as Nick put the ring on your finger and spun you around after he got up. He also gave a long, passionate kiss. With that, you guys went out to dinner and had a great time. 

~Well Cassie, I hope you enjoyed your imagine girly!! I know it's not the BEST imagine, but I tried my best writing this for you. If you want another imagine from me, you can always ask me<3~ 

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