Aaron Gradey (ch7)

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I woke up early and laced up my sneakers. It was a beautiful day for a run. Running helped clear my head. As I was looping around the park I could feel someone else's presence. All a sudden I slam into someone as I turn the corner. Shit. I stubble but stay standing.

" Are you okay? I'm so sorry. " I mumble to the figure on the ground. I look more closely and notice its Bryce. I reach down and help pull her to her feet. My arms grasp her limp body. We move towards a park bench where I attack her with apologies. The next thing I know its an hour later and we have been talking the whole time. I take a moment to look at her face. She stares deep into my eyes and I watch as a smile takes place across her lips. Beautiful. Her teeth are perfectly straight and gleaming white. She has big full lips. They have a peachy color to them. For a moment we just stare at each other. Complete silence. I begin to smile. Then hers grows wider. We are just sitting there grinning at each other.

" You have a beautiful smile. " I smirk after my words are released. She shrugs and tries to hid her protruding smile. We both giggle. I notice its near lunch time already

" Would you like to have lunch with me? " I ask nervously. " I'd love to get to know you more. " I really would.

" Sure. " Her response is quiet yet firm. We stroll to a near by restaurant and get an outside table. Once our drinks arrive and the waiter leaves I spill my question.

" So, I know I really don't know you, but I want to get to know you... " I hint that she should start talking. My eyebrows raise and I lean forward emphasizing my thoughts. She laughs.

" Well, lets just say there's a lot you don't know about me, and most of it you wouldn't want to know. " she sips her soda and avoids eye contact. Damn it. I probably just screwed up the rest of our date- Date? No this isn't a date. No. I glace at her and promise that she can trust me.

" Well what do you want to know? "

" Everything. "

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