Chapter five

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The party had only been in action for an hour and I was already really tired.

We had listened to Wham and Mariah Carey! We had listened to Wizard and John Lennon! Now it was time to turn off the Christmas music and put some classics on.

I was sat on the balcony that was led out from the kitchen. Nobody was in the kitchen because all the music was on in the living room!

I had been sat at the little white, wooden table for about twenty minutes before somebody came to sit with me. I couldn't recognise his face, it most definitely wasn't him and for that I felt a sense of thankfulness!

"I always kind of hated parties, where people just get drunk." The mystery man stated.

"I totally agree." I replied.

"Isn't it beautiful?" He asked.

"What is?" I questioned.

"The view." He replied.

Our flat was in central London and was very simple but 'vintagy'. It was on the fourth floor therefore had a decent view. We could see Buckingham Palace and Big Ben in the background along with the London Eye. This time of year is the best because there are Christmas lights everywhere! I didn't mind the view but it was all a bit hectic for me. 

""Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." A quote by Leonardo DeVinche. That's my idea on the view." I love that quote the way the words sound, the meanings, the ideas.

"Okay I guess it is a bit bright and in your face!" He admitted, "And that quote is beautiful, like you."

"Ah, so cliché!" I teased!

"No, the fact is, it is not cliché at all. Your mind is so beautiful the way use quotations to describe your opinions! Your taste is beautiful- your dress is so beautiful along with this flat that you share. Yes, I guess I can be a bit cliché and I admit that I believe your eyes and hair and dress are beautiful too! However, I don't really care! Call me old fashioned but I believe a person has to be beautiful inside to seek attention from any person! They may be a Victoria Secret model but if they are not nice, I am really not interested! Now my friend, you are one of the lucky ones, because you are so kind and are even prettier than any Victoria Secret model that ever lived."

With that a small smirk appeared on my face and I couldn't help but let a solitary tear slide down my cheek.

It was cold outside and a few snowflakes dropped every now and then making the whole situation even more romantic.

"Thank you but I'm really not the prettiest girl to be flirting with, at this party - physically or mentally."

"I highly doubt it!" He flirted.

"I sat and locked myself away after a strange boy flirted with me. I was afraid of him and cried for two days solid. I have blemishes and don't even have a thigh gap. I don't have a very flat stomach and on a Saturday night I prefer to eat Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream and watch re-runs of Friends in front of the TV, than go out. Now if that's what a beautiful mind looks like and a beautiful figure looks like then I highly doubt your judgment!" I argue back.

"You really don't get it do you?" He replied.

"Get what?" I asked.

"Get that you don't have to fit in with society to have a beautiful mind! You don't have to be a size 0 to be beautiful physically and you most definitely don't have to  impress every single person on this planet!" He ranted.

"No, I do get it! I've just never had anybody else get it, get me - let alone a person I just met."

"Well now you know somebody who thinks just like you, but in their own way!"

"I guess I do..."

I played with the pink flowers and fairy lights that were along the balcony railings before the boy spoke again.

"Well, in the words of 5 Seconds of Summer: "I don't wanna waste the night!" Let's go have some fun!"

I just laughed before he said: "I'm sorry, what's your name? How stupid is that, we've been speaking for twenty minutes and I don't know your name!"



With that, my whole world changed...

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