Meet and Greet

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The sound of the crowd chanting 'Black Veil Brides, Black Veil Brides!' gave Alex a deep pleasure in her heart. She had wanted to go to one of their concerts for so long and her best friend Kenneth surprised her with tickets to go to their Atlanta concert. Sure they had to take a plane to get to the concert since they both lived in Ohio, but he insisted that if they were going to see her favorite band it should be in her home town. She looked over at her best friend and smiled. He wasn't the biggest fan of Black Veil Brides but he knew she was. She would get him back on his 24th birthday. She had already started looking into Adam Lambert concerts that were coming up. She smiled at her buddy as the band walked on stage.

"Who's ready for us!?" CC yelled from his drum set and gave his signature smile as the crowd of people started screaming. Alex like many of the other fans started swooning over the sight of Ashley shirtless. He gave his signature smile and wink as he started to jam on his bass guitar. Soon everyone in the band started to join in Fallen Angels, as Andy started in on the vocals everyone in the concert area went crazy. After they ended that song they started in on some of their new songs. A few awesome hours later Kenneth surprised her with one more birthday gift, backstage passes, she felt bad cause he went all out for her this year. They made small talk about the concert as they waited in line to meet the band. Alex was super excited to finally be able to meet her celebrity crush.

"Next," the security guard called. A group of screaming 16yr olds went into the room. A few minutes later they emerged giggling and holding signed items. The guard rolled his eyes and motioned for Alex and Kenneth to go in. Alex tried her best to act like the 22yr old she was but when Cc gave them a hearty "hello" she giggled.

"I am so not going to lie, you two are the first non teenagers to come in tonight. The last group of girls did nothing but giggle as Ash and Andy signed their stuff, they didn't even want anyone else's signature." Jinxx said as he made a sad but annoyed face.

"Well I love all of you guys and want all of your signatures!" Alex declared and held out her cloth bag, (she bought a blank one so she could start collecting autographs.) Jinxx smiled his jokery smile and grabbed a sharpie and snatched her bag.

"I'm so signing this before you change your mind!" he shouted and signed it. He passed it on to Andy and he signed it and smiled at her.

"Jinxx wasn't lying about that group of girls, I thought one was going to faint cause I accidentally touched her hand when I was handing her cd back to her. Is that really how most teenagers are?" Ashley asked.

"I know we sure as hell weren't, or were we Ken?" She replied. Kenneth shook his head. "We most defiantly were not." He agreed.

"So you two together?" Ash asked, staring at Alex. Andy rose an eyebrow at his best friend, this was a first since he had broken up with Kristen.

"Oh gosh no, we tried it didn't work, felt way to much like dating a sibling. We're best friends." Alex said laughing. Everyone but Andy and Cc (who were sitting by him on both sides) missed his quiet sigh of relief. "Yep, I have my Myles now, he is the best thing to happen to me." Kenneth finished for his buddy. Ash cocked his head as he watched Alex smile at her friend.

"Soooo, I just had the best idea ever!" Jake said as he handed Alex her signed bag. "Why don't you two join us for our after party?" Alex went wide eyed, she didn't expect that one.

"Yeah!" Ash exclaimed quickly, "That would be fun, I am gonna assume you two are old enough to drink, and if not we can always give ya some." He winked at the last part.

"We both are and as long as Ken is up for it I'm down," Alex smiled. Ken looked at his best friend and noted how a Mr. Purdy was staring at her quite a bit and nodded, he was very intrigued on how the evening may play out. Everyone in the band cheered and asked one of the security guards to lead them to the dressing room so they could finish up their meet and greet.

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