The After Party (Ken's POV)

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I was snooping around the dressing room with Alex as we waited on the everyone to finish up the meet and greet. Ash was doing quite the lot of staring at her during our meet and greet. This band wasn't really my cup of tea but I knew she loved the band. After all they did help her through a rough time of her life. I'm pretty sure that it was a mix between their music and my constant nagging (I tend to act like her older brother and have since we broke up, which we only dated for like a weekend before I realized I was into men) that stopped her from hurting herself and stopped her from taking her own life. Her father left when she was 14 and her mother blamed her and took up drinking and had a tendency to beat her when she got drunk enough.

I always worried for my friend when she would appear in the middle of the night with a bloody lip or a black eye. I guess I have always felt a need to protect her. I watched her quietly as she looked through Ashley's things,  I glanced down at my phonne to check the time. There was ten minutes till the meet and greet ended, pending there isn't any lingering people to bother the band, so maybe at most 20 minutes. That was enough time to get her to talk to me about her celeb crush. "Hey Alex, so I watched you eyeball that hunk of a man Ashley!" I joked at her.

She didn't say anything but I watched her blush a dark shade of red. I heard laughter outside of the door and soon it opened to reveal Jake and Jinxx. "We left cause the last few teenagers wanted nothing to do with either of us and everything to do with Andy, Ashley, and CC." Jake sighed as he plopped down on the couch in the changing room. "So you two ready to get fucked up tonight?"

"He's joking you don't have to drink that much, just what ever you do, do not try to keep up with Ash. That man could drinik a whole barrel of beer and still wanna keep on going with shots." Jinxx laughed. "He has to be the deffintion of tequila makes your clothes fall off."

"Don't get Jinxx wrong, Ash does drink a lot, but he has been that way since Kristen broke it off with him, poor guy hasn't been the same since that woman left him at the alter." Jake said sadly. I cocked my head at him. Alex said something about this to me.

"I heard about that I didn't know that it was that bad though. Poor guy." Alex said. There was a moment of silence. We heard more movement outside of the door and soon the rest of the band shuffled in.

"Right we gotta change then we can go PAR-TAYY!!" CC exclaimed. Ash gave a smile. "You don't have to leave Alex, we can make a screen for you to stand behind so or we can take turns changing behind it." Ash said polietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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