What happened?

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Hey guys! I'm back at it again! With another chapter! Onward to the story!


~~•~~John's P.O.V~~•~~

'I can't believe that happened last night I was so embarrassed. 'I thought.

~•~Last Night~•~

I was sitting on the counter of the kitchen and I was drinking a little something. But than I didn't see Ed for a good 35 minutes something was up, but I didn't want to get in trouble so I stayed where I was.

"Hey are you enjoying the party!" someone asked me.

"Oh umm...I'm waiting for someone..." Isaid feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"What's their name maybe I know them!" He said while dancing to the music.

"Well he went with his boss which is also the host of the party."

"Oh you mean him!" He said while pointing at Ed's boss who by the way look like he was having the time of his life.

He was dancing in the living room with other people. But I didn't see Ed with him. But I see him wearing a flower crown that Ed wore.

"Hey you!" I said to him.

"Oh hey your Ed's friend correct." He said to me.

"Yes where's Ed and why do you have his crown?" I said kinda angry because Ed offered me the crown and at first I declined because it looked like it took like a long time. But than he said it was easy and after the party he would give it to me.

"Oh you didn't know Ed...Umm...went home...and he said that you'll go when you want." His boss said looking kinda nervous.

"Oh okay...I'll go home I guess..."I said kinda embarrassed and betrayed.

"Okay have a safe trip back!"he said to me.


~•~Back in Present~•~

I couldn't believe he would leave without telling me.When I went to his house he wasn't there either.

'Did I...Do something wrong?" I kept saying in my head.

Wait a minute...Ed said something funny to me when we were walking to his bosses apartment.


"Yeah he's somewhere here." Ed said to me.

"Oh I think is see it." I said looking at the apartment away from us.

"Wait John I have to tell you something before we get in."Ed said to me clinging on my shirt.

"Umm what is it?" I said kinda blushing at the way he clung onto me.

"If I don't come out with you check the apartment." He said to me.

"What, what does that mean." I said confused at the question.

"It means what it means, but seriously check the apartment if I don't come out with you." He said seriously.


~•~End of Flashback~•~

'I HAVE TO GO NOW' I thought.

I grabbed my coat and keys left my house and started running to that house.

I was running on the sidewalk and while running I bump into someone.

"Sorry" I said as I rubbed my chest which is where the person hit me, they were kinda short too.

"John?" The person said in a raspy voice.

They sounded so familiar but they had a hoodie over their head and their voice was kinda dry.

"How did you know my name."I said wondering while helping them up.

"It's me Ed." Ed said while removing his hoodie to reveal his red ginger hair. But the part that made me worry we're the tears that were running down his face.

"Oh my god Ed, what happened?!?" I said as I grabbed his face and looked closer at it.

"He...He...*sniff*did something to me..." Ed said to me,starting to cry again.

"Let's go to my place alright will talk there." I said

"Okay..." Ed said.

While walking I noticed that Ed wasn't wearing the same clothes he was wearing before and that he had red marks on his wrist. But I'll talk to him at my place it'll be alright Ed, I'm here for you.


Hey guys! That's all for now! I'm actually editing this and I feel like I'm taking out stuff making the chapter shorter. And well yeah sorry if I still have to edit stuff, but I'm trying. Anyway bye!


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