Chapter 1: Hell Hole.

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Agonising screams echoed down the empty corridors. I ran for my freedom as I ran for his. Holding little Shadow in my arms, His small ears quivered as I dashed down through medical equipment and tools; I didn't even want to know what they were being or going to be used for. Chimera's locked in cages wailed and cried with pain, I wanted so badly to save them - But I knew I couldn't do so. Most had turned rabid from torture and experiments; And I knew I would end up getting killed if I even put my hand out towards them.I probably couldn't even braek or lift the padlocks anyway - I was too weak at this point, And was struggling to save myself and Shadow; Let alone anyone else. Though it made me feel guilty, I ran up to the door and opened it. I turned my body around and gave one last glance to my family of Chimera's I had once lived with. And in doing so, There lay a giant Cat Chimera with a Snake's tail and bodily scales. As I stared into it's velvet eyes, It's own eyes seemed to dance and connect with mine. Full of such sadness and sorrow, It slowly lowered it's head to the ground, And it's heavy eyelids shut, And I could no longer see it's red tainted pupils.

I turned, Stepping over the doorstep and and shut the door remorsefully. I then began to return back to my speed filled pace and ran  through the main hall of Laboratory 5. The part of the Laboratory the I remembered the most, Where my nightmares began, Where I was reborn as what people might call a filthy beast, Or a monster. In fact, Onto the subject of people- Humans. The outside world. What will they think of me? Will they hate me? Or.. Will people actually care? The only Humans I'd ever seen were the Scientists and the "Doctors" down here inside this old, Crumbling Lab, And to be quite honest, I hated them. For what the did to me, For what they did to all of us. I just hope that not all Humans are truely like this. Just as I was about to go over the subject once more in my mind, A sudden smash in the wall threw rocks and rubble at me, Knocking me off my trail of thought. "Oh no..." I silently murmered to myself as Shadow began to growl in the direction of the fierce dust cloud. They'd found us.

The scientist's were here, And they were blocking off our exit. "Damn it!" I yelled as I began to dodge their evil clutching hands out to grab me. By this point, All the Chimera's were howling and screaching in the other room, And Shadow had wriggled his way out of my arms and plopped himself down on the floor. Startled; A scientist had grabbed my arms from behind and ferociously held me to the floor. Now was my time to put my un-gadly gift to use- My Wings. I opened them out upwards, thrusting them into his lower stomach. And groin. He screamed out with pain and threw me at a huge metal shelf. As I collided with it, It began to shake violently, And eventually toppled straight forward to the wailing Scientists' direction. "You little bitch.." He glared straight through me, And with a sudden heart-stopping crunch, I heard all of his bones break and He was no more. I clenched my face in terror as I spotted a trail of crimson red blood flowed quickly from underneath the now tainted shelf and began to approach my legs. Shadow slowly paced up to me and snuggled his head between my arms, Trying to comfort me. I let go of the grip on my face, And gently placed one hand on Shadow's head and the other under his chin and began to pet him. "Thanks boy." As I said this, I tried to hold back the tears from the unexpected sight of horror.

I let Shadow go and staggered back to my feet, Placing my right habd on the wall. The other two Scientists stared in disbelief  at the shelf. But then one man turned his head to face mine. " You killed Clive... YOU FILTHY ANIMAL!" He screamed out at me, An threw himself forwards, Picking up a pace and began to dash towards me. My my whole body soon became tense. I hated being called that. An 'Animal.' I'm just as human as anyone else. I was born one, And I guess I still am. That's what I like to believe. I gritted my teeth. He'd really annoyed me now. I threw my arms out forward, And as I did, My pendant around my neck started to glow a bright blue, And my Wings began to spark. The man stopped dead in his tracks and started to curse. " Damn Theo for teaching you Alchemy... If it wasn't for him and that damn Alchemical pendant he gave you, You and that Mongrel would be dead already!" He let out a sly chuckle. " Well... At least we and our higher up's showed him the error of his actions and made him pay..." He laughed manically. Now I really was pissed. So that's what happened to Theo... He was the only scientist here that ever raised a caring hand out to me, Treated me like and equal- Like a human.

I lowered my head. "So he's dead.." My voice shook as I spoke. "How could you help kill your own friend!?" As I let out a screaming wail of pain and loss, A blast of air powrfully broke through the bricked wall. Noticing what was happening and locking back into the sitiuation, The second man lept back to his feet. "Please don't hurt us! Were sorry!" He begged. Whereas the the guy infront of me just growled, And I felt shadow tense beside my leg. " You would have been better off staying on the floor." I said bitterly. The Wind maneuvered around the room, And flew swiftly towards them both, Knocking them off their feet and slamming them strongly into the wall. I then picked Shadow back up, And made my way out of the hell that was Laboratory 5 through the hole I had just made, And disappeared into the night. As the two men dearly hung on to their conciousness, They sat upright as sharp, Reoccurring pin-pricks of pain jumped through their bodies. " Fuhrer King Bradley isn't going to be proud of us.. Is he..?" The weaker man who earlier begged for mercy heartlessly spoke in a faint voice. " No... And neither will those damn un-dying, freak friends of his."

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