Chapter 1: Cursed Life.

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  • Dedicated to Connie Hutchings


 I awoke at 1:00 in the morning, due to a strange tapping noise at my bedroom window. So of course, me being me, rolled out of bed to take a look. Grabbing a thin jacket off of my clothes rack and slipping into a pair of manky old shoes that I always left at the side of my bed on the floor, I walked over to the window and lifted the latch, gentally pushed the window upwards trying not to make any noises. The street was practically empty with only a few cars passing, making me feel uneasy about what was going on. I stuck my head around the corner, to see a pair of dark, shadowy sillhouettes. one was bending over and appeared to be fiddling with the other that was lying motionless on the concrete. Something seemed to be pouring from the sillhouette on the floor, making a chill run directly up my spine. That ever hardly happens though. It's like a warning. I'm a Demon. So I have powers that others don't, I can cast some spells, that only seem to be to do with dark magic, I can do a few white spells, but dark magic suits my type of monster way better. I can rip people apart with my seriously lethal claws, I have fangs, and my senses are a lot stronger than a humans. And I'm stronger that a human too. And if I demon out? Well, thats a total other matter. The "Hell the monster is gonna rip me up and eat me" matter, to be blunt.

The other shadow stood, and waved it's fingers, doing the 'will you come here for a sec?' motion. I really didn't want to, but I have never been that smart, and like taking risks. I nodded my head, shutting the window as quietly as possible. Then I threw my jacket on, pulling down the latch, and speeding down the hallway. I tip toed past my mom and dad's room trying not to wake them, and thankfully it was a success. My parents, were both demons too. Except I have different parents now. Human parents. My demon parents were both killed by the L'Occhio di Dio. Also known as 'The Eye Of God'. The are a bunch of humans that came from Rome in Italy, and their goal is to kill all of us freaks. I now have human parents who kindly took me in, and treat me like I am their real daughter. After all, not many humans would want to take on the responsibility of caring for a demon. Especially one that can't control her own emotions, and transforms so easily. I've lost count of how many schools I have been to, and how man times we have had to move house because of me. I stepped quickly down the stairs and grabbed the key off of the hook it hung on and unlocked the door, walking outside into the dark of the night.

The sillhouette was still there, waiting. It lifted it's head to look at me as I approached. The other one was still lying there, in exactly the same place as it was before, it hadn't moved the slightest inch. I stepped closer towards them, realising that it wasn't just anything lying on the floor, it was a body. A dead body. In shock I bolted fowards and sat next to it, starting to feel for any trace of a pulse, even though it was way to late. It was a young woman, she looked no more than eighteen years old. Poor thing. Something cold and wet was underneath my hand. My pulse was racing. I knew what it was. Blood. Tons of it. I attempted to keep my mouth shut, so the other person standing next to me wouldn't die of fright because he or she saw my fangs. I never usually have trouble trying not to show my fangs like this. Unless I lost my Talisman. My Talisman  helps me control my transforming and my fangs. It has a beautiful Blue moon in the back, and a grey wolf howling in front of it, with red eyes, as I am a wolf demon. The eyes turn blue when I am about to transform, and as awarning of my transformation, they flash pink.

I took my hand off the womans arm and patted my neck. "Damn it...It's not here..." I whispered under my breath. I must have took it off last night and put it on my bed side table again. How convenient. Not. The person knelt down beside me, and leaned forward to my ear. "Bury her." He said in a cold, dark voice. "Or I will tell the whole street your secret, Demon." He said harshly whilst getting off the floor and standing again. "Very well." I replied, breathing heavily, trying to control myself. I turned to look at him, his bright, wild green eyes staring back at me. I looked back down at the dead woman, feeling really sorry for her. She was still bleeding very badly from her neck. it look like she had been cut or stabbed with a knife or something. I carefully placed my hands around her waist and lifted her up to carry her. I heard twigs snapping on the lawn and spun around. The dark man was no where in sight. He had completely vanished.

I ran all the way to Catherdine Park to bury the woman. By now, it was 6:00. God, have I done a hell of a lot of running. I picked the old tree that was in bloom to bury her under. I layed her down up agains the smooth bark of the tree and started digging. My eyesight was getting blurry. Not a good sign. After about an hour, I had finished digging and had a load of dirt in my nails. Or should I say claws. I grabbed the body and placed her in the hole. Blood had run all the way down her neck, reaching her fingers and dripping off of her carefully polished nails. Oh damn. Not the teeth again. This time I wasn't as lucky as before. I couldn't stop them from appearing. My fangs came out and I began to drink the blood from the womans neck. I could feel my eyes changing. They were no longer a Goldy-Brown, they were bright red with a black pupil. Then, I saw a shape of a man and a dog out of the corner of my eye. Except they weren't my eyes anymore, they now belonged to the transformed demon. And I was totally unable to control them, or the fangs. I heard a scream.

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