Chapter 2: A Monster School... Great.

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  • Dedicated to Connie Hutchings

I woke up in my home, with my kind human mother lying beside me, stroking my long, straight strawberry-Blonde hair. "Bradley! Natalie has woken up!" She called. He yelled back something that sounded like "Thats great news!" And then came bursting into the room. "Are you alright? What happened out there?" He asked curiously. "Errm... I don't really remember. The last thing I remember was hearing a scream." I mumbled. I put my hand on my neck and was releived to feel that my Bloodstone was there. "Don't worry. I put it on you when we found you in Catherdine park. What were you doing out there anyway?" She said. "Thanks mom. I don't want to know what would have happened if you and dad hadn't come when you did. And it's a long story, trust me. I woke up really early this morning because there was someone outside. I went out and the guy told me to bury a body, and then disappeared off the face of the earth. Literally. He said if I didnt bury her, he would tell the street my secret. So I really had no choice. Then I ran to the park, dug a hole, put her in it, then I transformed, and a guy and a dog appeared, and I heard a scream. That's all I remember. I didn't kill him did I? Please tell me that I didn't." I said trying not to cry and look like a right idiot. "No, you didn't kill him. He was lucky. And so was that Terrier of his. Even though the thing peed up the poor guy's leg when you walked towards them as we were getting out of the car." He said, sitting down with us. "And so were you. Frank Calder, one of the members of The Council was around, he flew in the way whilst in his eagle form and protected them and held you down so that I could put your Bloodstone on you. Lucky he was there to help. But the not so good news is, well..." She trailed off making me feel like I was going to regret what I was going to hear next. "What? What's the bad news?" I asked suspiciously. 

"Well, because one of the council members saw you trying to attack a human, and thought that you had killed that woman that was already dead that you didn't kill... You are being shipped to Hecate Hall. It's a reform school for.. Kids like you." He said. Great. 'Being shipped off'. Now I do feel like some sort of wild bloodthirsty animal. And kids like me? Why can't he just say monsters? Because that's what me and my fellow freaks are. Monsters. "Oh, brilliant. Another school... Fun. So where is this Hecate Hall anyway?" I said sighing. "It's in Georgia, on an island called Graymalkin. We would be on the plane for four hours at least." She explained. Four hours on a plane! You have to be kidding! If the L'Occhio di Dio and the Georgian heat doesn't kill me, then that plane ride certainly will. I could argue with them about this, but there just isn't any point.

After I had packed and was sorted for the plane journey, we all got in Mom's brand new Landrover and started our one hour trip to the airport. Shoot! I still hadn't told my friends that I'm leaving school! Damn! Raiding through my rucksack looking for my Sony Ericsson phone took up at least 10 minutes, due to the fact that I had that much junk in my bag and that I had put it right at the bottom. I grabbed it, shoved all of my other stuff back in and unlocked the phones keypad, and searched for my best friends numbers. There was Connie, Who was a Vampire. She had long brown hair and golden eyes. Also one of my closest freinds out of the group. Then there was Lydia, Katie and Jess. Who were all Faeries. Lydia was an amazing Ballerina, always seemed to be wearing her Ballerina outfit. She had pink wings and blonde hair. Katie had bright green wings and brown hair like Connie's, but a little longer. And Jess had flourescent blue wings and blonde hair like Liddy. And then there was Megan, a Demon like me. But she hardly ever transforms. Probably because she is half human, so she doesn't need a pendant like I do. She is my other closest freind. Then you have Harrison. He is my third and last closest friend. Him, Meg and Connie were the bestest friends in the world to me. Harrison was a proper Werewolf, transforming whenever he wants, but not in front of humans of course. He has blue eyes and brown hair. Last but not least, there is Alexa. She is a Shapeshifter, and turns into a wolf. She has amazing blondy-brown hair and greeny-blue eyes. My parents both know about my friends being like me, so it's fine with us hanging around together.

First I will try ringing Harrison. I typed in the number put the phone to my ear. All I could hear for at least twenty seconds was "Beep beep, beep beep" It really gets on your nerves sometimes, I mean can't vodafone change the flipping thing once in a while? Then after the boring wait I heard "Sorry, this persons mobile phone is unavailable. Please hang up and try your call again later." Fine, I will try ringing someone else. Right, Megan you pick up please. "Beep beep, beep beep."  No answer. Alexa. "Beep beep, beep beep." Currently unavailable. Lydia. "Beep beep, beep beep." Has her phone switched off.  Katie. "Beep beep, beep beep." Phone in use try again. Jess. "Beep beep, beep beep." Also has her phone off.  Connie, the pressure is on you. PICK UP YOUR PHONE. "Beep beep, beep beep." She has her phone on silent again... By now I was pretty ticked and wanted to throw my phone out of the window. Which wouldn't be a wise idea because... It would apparently hit a passing aeroplane. We were finally at the Airport.

It was huge, as they usually are. There were a load of tall palm trees inside pots either side of each door and inside some of the shops. The walls were cream, with a horrible mustard yellow colour on the Skirting Boards, Door frames and Coving. The waiting room was a little small, so most people were going round doing some shopping. We weren't sitting down for any less than 20 minutes, and I was bored to death. So I took my phone and headphones out of my creased jean pockets and plugged them in. I was listening to All Rise by a group called Blue. They are awesome! My demon mother used to like them too. We had to wait an hour in here, and so far I had managed to kill half an hour. So, just another 30 minutes to go. Then I noticed a tall guy in the food shop with his back to me. He looked like he was buying some sort of Kebab, or at least trying to. " You haven't given me enough money I'm afraid sir." The woman he was paying said, as the buyer was racking through his wallet. "Oh no.. As if I have lost a £10 note." He said back to her, checking his jacket pockets and placing his wallet back. No wonder he lost money when there is a giant whole in his pocket. Fool. "Then I'm really sorry, but you can't buy this unless you have the right amount of money." She said getting bothered, and began tapping her purple polished fingernails onto the cashier top. There was now a giant que forming behind the guy, all moaning and complaining about how long they had been waiting for and how long he was taking. 

I lay back into the hole covered blue chair, closed my eyes and pictured the man's leather jacket and the hole clearly in my mind. "This better work..." I mumbled quietly to myself. Then I opened my eyes to find the guy looking in his jacket pocket, and saying "What the hell.... This was ripped a minute ago, and where did this tenner come from? Anyway, here you go." He said with a suprised look on his face and handed the £10 note over to the lady. "Thank you." She said sharply and grabbed the note from his hand, and gave him the change. "Thanks." He replied, came out of the shop and stared around looking at practically everyone, whilst I pretended to be messing around with my phone and singing to myself. Just how great am I? I just mastered the art of fixing pockets with my mind and making money appear out of nothing. Whether it will stay like that I have no idea. I checked my watch. Another 10 minutes gone, and 20 to go. I saw a load of smallish kids walking past, heading into the clothes shop, making me jealous. I took out my headphones, turned off the music and leant over to mom. "Would you mind me nipping into the clothes shop over there for 15 minutes?" I said, attempting to do the dog eyes, failing at it, and pointing at the shop at the same time. "Go on then, and save five minutes so we can get a head start getting in the que to get on the aeroplane, ok?" She said, but I had already trailed off to the shop entrance. "Ok." I shouted back at her and went in. I was searching around for nothing really, because what they had in here to be blunt, was absolutely rubbish. They were all either to small or too big. I came back out and with perfect timing, 5 minutes to spare. Mon and dad were waiting for me, So I ran over to them, doing another of my spazticated runs, but not on purpose this time.

We just went through a tunnel like thing, and I nearly hit my head on one of the boards hanging off the ceiling. It's pathetic really, I mean, how in the hell do you expect taller people to get through here, if the ceiling is that low? Two large sliding doors opened and led us outside to where all the Aeroplanes were parked. There was only one left, meaning it was probably ours. I had to try to run with my unbeleivably heavy suitcase. I had a pattern of Red and Black marks on it. And I was actually struggling to yank it along. My dad had offered to help me twice, but I turned down both of his offers. As we approached the plane, workers had finished putting the stairs up the side of the plane, and I could swear that just in the difference I could see some seriously familiar faces. Wait a second... Purple glasses.... A twilight suitcase.... Oh my god! "Connie!" I yelled, and the person turned around. It was her. But how? "Nat!" She yelled back, causing a whole crowd to turn around to face me and start stampeding towards me. "Oh dear."

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