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I can't believe the day I am having. Can my life get any worse? I have to babysit my siblings while my mother works overnight again!
I hate this! I mean really! I know I should be grateful but I wanted to hangout with my friends. Guess that will happen next weekend. I'm a fourteen year old living with my siblings and our mother. My mother has recently turned into a workaholic. Which means I have to be Mother to my siblings. I get it, but it still isn't fair. I mean, I would like to be able to hang with my friends without my sisters always having to tag along. Don't get me wrong,  I love my sisters and my brother but come on.

It's kind of annoying when my baby sister wants to act out and give me a hard time. She doesn't always act up, she's one of those kids who does things good or bad for attention. My other sister is the opposite she doesn't  give me any grief. She is actually my favorite sister.  I swear my baby sister knew when and what to do to get the most attention. She is a notorious busybody. Always snitching on us. You know that saying snitches get stitches? That's exactly what she deserved. What used to kill me was, after she would get whichever one of us she was gunning for in trouble, she would act like we did something wrong to her. She literally enjoyed seeing us get punished.

So I'm pretty sure you can understand my frustration. So when I'm stuck babysitting, it usually isn't smooth sailing. My mother works alot because she is a single parent. My father lives in another state, I rarely see him. I do get to speak to him. My parents had me when they were young. They had different opinions on parenting. My father was raised with his siblings by his very strict grandfather. All I know he had it rough growing up. So I'm stuck watching my siblings again tonight.

Unbelievable bestie voni called to tell me, my crush was going to the party and asked if I would be there. Time to come up with a plan. I called her back and told her I'll be there. The plan was to sneak out, go to the party and when my crush shows up talk to him and ask him to accompany me home. Hopefully I make it home before my mom does, because if I didn't ... let's just not even think about that now. So I make it to the party. I see my crush standing with his friends. He walks over and we start to talk. I tell him that I need to get home so he proceeds to walk me home. He waits by my building to make sure I'm safely inside. So on the elevator ride to my floor I'm on cloud nine. Replaying our conversation in my head. Boy was I in for a suprise when my mother opened the door. I completely forgot that I was supposed to be watching my siblings. I didn't keep track of the time! By the look on her face I knew I was in for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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