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Chapter 8

"You are slacking, Myrna!" Nicole teased as our swords clash together.

"You wish." I smiled and pushed her sword away. "I'm just not used to this sword." I looked down at the blade that I borrowed. "It's too light for my liking."

"Well, you've only ever used one sword." Nicole points out. "Plus, this one has been used in a century."

I glare at her briefly. "I'm still a better archer than you."

Nicole chuckled. "And you always will be." Her gaze shifted to behind me. "We have company."

I turned and saw four hobbits standing by the door. "Hello."

"We didn't mean to interrupt." Frodo said.

"You didn't." I replied. "What can we do for you?"

"You see, Aragorn gave us these swords on Weathertop and we don't really know how to use them." Merry explained while showing his sword.

"Would you show us how?" Pippin asked.

"Of course." Nicole answered.

"I just hope you never have to use them." I said. "War is not place for hobbits."

"Then again," Nicole added. "It's no place for women either."

"This is true. Come over here." I gestured for the hobbits to stand in front of me. "Nicole is the best with swords so she will teach you.

I stepped back and let Nicole explain the basics and every now and then I would throw in some advice. She was about to have them spar with each other when she stopped.

"Here, Myrna and I will demonstrate." Nicole waved me over. I sighed and with a flick of wrist, I turned my blade. We waited for the hobbits to go sit before she smirked.

"Don't go easy." I tell her.

"Don't back down." She replied before advancing.

She and I were practically dancing around each other our swords clashing together and I smiled as it brought back memories of our childhood and how we did these every day for hours. Every now and then, when I had managed to push Nicole away, I would look at the hobbits and see them looking intently at us. At one point, I had managed to get Nicole's sword out of her hand. She held her hands in defeat and went to retrieve her sword. I watched as Merry and Pippin got up and tried to copy our battle. I saw moment in the corner of my eye and I quickly turned and swung my sword letting it clash with another.

"Lord Aragorn." I greeted.

"Lady Myrna." He responded.

I pushed his blade away with mine and stepped back. "Don't call me that."

He bowed slightly and I lowered my sword.

"We were just teaching the halfings how to wield a sword. Since someone just handed them one without explanation." Nicole gave Aragorn a look. He just shrugged. "Care to join us?"

"Actually," Legolas interrupted walking up to Nicole. "We came to escort you to dinner." I smiled softly and briefly as he offered her his arm.

"In that case," Nicole sheathed her sword and linked her arm through Legolas'. She looked back at the hobbits. "Come along my friends."

The hobbits happily scurried after them and I smiled slightly before looking down at the sword in my hand.

"Myrna," I turned to see Aragorn still waiting.

"I will escort her to dinner, Aragorn." Arwen said coming up to us and placing a hand on my shoulder.

Aragorn bowed slightly before looking at me for a moment then leaving.

I sighed and turned to Arwen. "Boromir recognized my father's name. He knows who I am."

"As he should, Myrna. During this quest, you must accept who you were born to be. It is your destiny." She tells me softly.

"That destiny is lost." I whisper while making my way to the armory. "It was lost when Trilyra fell. My destiny now is to help Frodo destroy the Ring."

"There is much you do not know, Myrna. Your destiny is more than that." Arwen follows behind me.

"Then pray tell me what my destiny is, Lady Arwen." I stopped and faced her.

"You are destined to save Middle Earth and by doing so you will become who you were born to be. As well as, help Aragorn become who he was born to be."

I gave her a look of confusion. "Aragorn? How am I supposed to do that?"

"If the Fellowship should part ways, follow Aragorn, protect him, and convince him to take the throne."

I shook my head and continued walking. "I can't do that, Arwen. Not without the sword."

"I will get my father to reforge the sword, but only when the time is right." She said as she fell into step with me. "You must promise me that you will do this. He will need your help."

I sighed as I reached the armory. "It is my duty to protect the King, whether he is crowned or not. You have my word, Arwen."

She smiled at me and led me to a pedestal. I placed the sword back in its place and put my hand to my heart.

"Your father would be proud." Arwen whispers.

"Would he?" I asked her. "Would he be proud of me abandoning my linage?"

Arwen just nodded. "Come, let us go to dinner."

I followed behind her but my mind was wrapped about what this quest could hold. "Why do I have a feeling that this quest will change everything? Even me."

Hey everyone!

This is just a filler chapter. In next week's chapter, things will be picking up and you will get a bit more into Nicole's and Myrna's past.

Also, when I start getting more and more into the story, I don't want to get any hate comments about how I am writing it. I wrote it this way for a reason.

Also, just in case, the sword that Myrna used had once belonged to her father and the picture of it is included!


Until next time,


Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the RingWhere stories live. Discover now