Not One Of You

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  I can feel my breath sucked into my throat. I can barely breathe as it is. I force myself further down the path, ignoring what feels like people staring at me. Am I the only one in this world who had done something wrong?But I put so much thought into question; I don't realize when I almost walk past my home. My mother is sitting outside. Maybe I could keep walking. Maybe she wouldn't notice. Maybe I could escape out the fence. 


Not yet.My mother gazes up and meets my eyes. Her hair is hanging freely by her shoulders.

 "Elena." She says, in a hushed tone, which causes me to stop in my tracks.I look over worried that she had heard that I was caught reading, a secret bound to us, and that she will be disappointed in me. But she doesn't give me that look.

 Instead, she nods toward the door. Upon approaching, it is not our home. Not the home that we live in, so what is she doing here?"Mom?" I question, my feet thumping up the wooden outside steps. "What are we doing here?"

 "Get inside," she replies. "There are a few things I need to give you before they banish you."So word had gotten around. Piper had told on me, and for whatever reason, I would not be able to plead my case. Heat rises from the back of my mind, but I will not cry, I will not cry, because I promised myself that I wouldn't. I promised myself that if something ever happened to me, I would be strong about it. But I'm leaving behind a blood family of people who might actually love me, if there was anything to call this relationship. 

"You will leave tonight with Alexander..." I don't know if it's the first thing she said, but it was the first thing that I managed to capture. 

 "I'm what?"

 My mother turns around with a backpack in hand, almost like a backpack I would use during a walk to the market in the square or if I was late for school. She hands it to me, a slight smile forming on her face. 

"You're leaving the city, Elena." She replies, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Before they find you. There's four gates you have to get out of. Circle gates, and there is only one door out. I know you've been around Alexander." 

She takes a tin box and opens it, inside are photos of me and her from I must've been a young child. "I'm giving you this box." 

There was also a large stack of paper drawings in fine detail. I pick them up. They have number on them."What are these?"

 "It's called money. Alexander will teach you about it, and how to fire a gun."

 "What's that?" 

 Opening another box, she reveals an item that extends from the wrist to an elbow. It looks like a small rectangular machine with a cylinder at the end. There are two switches and a button. Very quickly, she flips the switch on the left of the machine."This is the safety." She tells me. "When it is flipped off, you can shoot it. If anyone comes after you shooting at you, you will point the gun at eye level, held out in front of you, until they are in view, and then you will pull the trigger. It is very loud and can cause your ears to ring. It could kill someone." 

"Why would I have to shoot someone?" 

"There are bad people in this place, Elena. People who do not understand like you and me. People who believe being different, being unique, and having a special story will destroy us all." 

She places a map with drawing on it on the table. It is much more massive than the ones I've seen. It looks like the one Alexander kept in his shirt pocket. "Alexander has one of these." I say, and she nods.  

"Follow this map, Elena. It will take you to safety." Before I can speak, my mother turns me around and kisses my forehead. She's a head taller than me and rests her head on top of mine. I can feel her chin rolling around. She looks down and smiles a little. Her eyes are bright with the tears that refuse to fall over. I can hear footsteps and begin to panic."Calm down, Elena. It is just Alexander."His blonde hair is the first thing I see as he bursts through the door, out of breath. 

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