Chapter 3

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A/N: you guys got this up to 30 reads and 4 votes, so here's an early update! enjoyyyy ;)

Chapter 3- Friday, June 21st

9:30 P.M.

You know that feeling where someone is staring at you? I guess since we’re in a club, someone is bound to look at you, but this felt like a long period of time. I would glance in a different direction every once in a while so it wouldn’t seem obvious. I finally glanced towards the bar, to meet a pair of crystal blue eyes. They were captivating, almost like it had a story behind them. Blinking, I realized that he was STILL staring at me. I looked away, but immediately looked back up. I took in the guy’s features. He wasn’t short, but wasn’t the tallest around. He had blonde hair sticking out from under his red Chicago Bulls snapback. He also had a bro-tank on that was white with a red ‘@’ sign. He had blue jeans on, with a pair of white Supras. By the looks of it, his had pretty decent biceps. He shoved his hands in his pockets, making me look back to his face. He was pretty pale, but very VERY hot. He smiled at me, or at least I think me. I was met with pearly whites that were perfect. I mean, PERFECT. I smiled back, not knowing how to deal with this situation.

“Who you staring at, Nev?” Claire asked me, poking my sides. I looked over to her, and she smiled.

“I don’t know...” I said, smiling back. “Just some guy.”

“Just some guy my booty.” She said, rolling her eyes. “You know him?” I shook my head, and she shrugged. She went back to her purple kid, while I looked back to the mystery cutie.

Wait, where did he go? I thought, looking around. He completely vanished. That’s cool, the sarcasm dripping from my thought. Sighing, I turned around. Bopping to the beat, another guy came up to dance. He definitely wasn’t as cute as mystery boy. Not even once bit. But, hey, it’ll do for now.

Saturday, June 22nd, 1:04 A.M.

“Girls, I think it’s about time I head out!” I proclaimed, after pulling them off to the side of the club. “My little heart can’t dance anymore. I’m beat!”

“I was gonna say the same!” Aub said while yawning. “I’ll see you all later, yeah? Text me tomorrow or I should say later today?”

“Ditto!” Trin added in.

We all said our goodbyes, and we filed out the door. I got to my car, slowly unlocking and sitting down. I quickly took off my pumps and threw them in the backseat. “I’m never wearing heels again.” I mumbled to myself, starting the car. I tell myself that every time, yet I always wear them again the next week. I pulled out of the parking lot, ready to take the 20 minute drive to my apartment.

After the journey in silence, I pulled in to the driveway and pressed the automatic garage door opener on my sun visor. It made its way open, and I pulled in. Making sure that it closed, I opened my door and got out. The cold cement made me shiver, goose bumps appearing all over my body. I shut the door with no energy what-so-ever, and opened the back. Grabbing my shoes and clutch, I slowly made my way out of the chilly garage and up the stairs to my door. “Home sweet home!” I exclaim as I get energy to run down the hall to my room. I quickly take my dress off and throw on an old softball shirt and shorts. I went to my bathroom and wiped off any trace of makeup I had on. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and brushed my teeth. I ran back to my bed and plopped down, getting comfy in the covers. Sleepiness soon fell over me, and I regret nothing.

11:47 A.M.

My eyes automatically squinted when the sun’s rays seeped through my blinds. I groaned, rolling over so my face was stuffed in my pillow. Great. I thought. I’m not gonna be able to get back to sleep. I groaned a bit more, throwing my feet off the side of my king size bed. There wasn’t a need for a king size, especially since I’m single. Team forever alone, just another part of my lonely life. My feet hit the ground and I instantly regretted it. I had a headache and my body ached like no other. It was almost like a hangover, but no alcohol was involved. I walked over to my mirror and my hair looked like it was hit by a tornado, then made home by a rat. Solid.

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