Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- Thursday, June 27th

8:32 A.M.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” I heard as I jolted awake from my slumber. A smile lay upon my face, realizing that today was my 19th birthday! I sleepily rubbed my eyes before opening them. There stood the girls, each looking like giddy school girls. Aubrey had a tray with all sorts of food on it. Cold pizza, pop tarts, kiwis, cookies, and diet Mtn Dew. I laughed, only them knowing that I hate to eat breakfast foods for breakfast. They piled onto my zebra comforter while Aub put the tray over my lap. I instantly cracked open a Mtn Dew and chugged it.

“Thanks, girls! It means a lot!” I said, whilst stuffing a piece of pizza down my throat.

“No problem missy! You’re finally 19, you caught up to us!” Trinity said, laughing. I gave them a glare. They’re all close to 1 year older than me, Trinity being the oldest. She was born on September 7th, Claire on Sep 9th, and Aubrey on October 23rd.

“Oh, shut it.” I giggle, and we finish eating the food.

10:03 A.M.

I finished my makeup, making sure that it was perfection. I have no clue what we are doing today, but all I know is that the girls and Aaron are taking me out. I guess Aubrey and Aaron are getting pretty serious. He took her on a date Monday, and then he brought movies, Chinese, and brownies over yesterday for everyone. He was starting to get on my good side, he seemed like he meant no harm. Spritzing some perfume, I finalized my outfit: . I smiled, hoping today brought no drama. I waltzed out into the living room, and saw them waiting for me.

“Happy birthday, Nev!” Aaron said smiling, standing up. He came and gave me a hug.

“Thanks, Aaron!” I laughed. “What do you all have planned for me today?”

“We were thinking a movie, lunch, mini-putt, go karting, and we have to buy you some stuff!” Claire said, smoothing her shirt down: .

“That sounds like a blast!” I exclaimed, clapping. I was a total kid at heart.

“You ready to go, then?” Trinity said, picking up her outfit matching sunglasses and slipping them to the top of her head: .

“As ready as I’ll ever be!” I said, them laughing. We walked out of my apartment, which made me say, “How did you guys get into my apartment, exactly?”

“I still have an extra key!” Aubrey said, taking it out of her pocket and dangling it from her pointer finger. I rolled my eyes, and she laughed again. Dang, these girls are giggly today.

“Aub, where did you get that shirt? I need it.” Claire said, checking it out. She wore this: .

“I think it was online. I don’t remember which store, though.” She said, thinking long and hard about it.

“I’m gonna drive.” Aaron said as Aubrey got into the passenger seat while Claire, Trin and I squeezed into his car’s backseat. Before I knew it, we arrived at the movie theater.

“What movie are we going to see?” I asked, excitedly.

“Monsters University!” Trinity exclaimed as my eyes got wide and my mouth dropped to the floor.

“YES!” I said, pumping my hand into the air. “I’ve waited 8 years for this day!”

12:35 P.M.

“That was too good!” I said, taking a sip of whatever was left of my soda. I threw the cup away in the bin at the exit of theater 12. The rest of the girls piled out, and we all went to the bathroom.

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