The Calm Before The Storm

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Note: FYI this book just switched to rated R! If you don't appreciate boyxboy sexual situations, stop reading! This chapter in particular gets a little steamy ;D there is NO SEX pervs!!! (yet ;) But it's about time Rune and Damien have a little fun together don't you think? ;)

*Rune's POV*

Waking up next to Damien felt amazing. We'd cuddled before but waking up together was new. I snuggled closer into his warmth as I took my time waking up.

I woke up unusually early considering the sun was just rising. I'm a morning person, believe me, I just prefer catching up on my sleep during the weekends.

What happened the night before resurfaced in my mind and I replayed the events. God I'm such a wuss.

I must have stiffened because Damien shifted and tightened his arms around me.

"Good morning," he rumbled in that sexy, just-waking-up tone that guys seem to have. My boyfriend is so hot!

"Morning," I mumbled, distractedly looking around my room. I heard him sigh behind me and felt kind of bad.

Turning around so we faced one another, I took one look at his hot as hell bedhead, before I captured his lips in a slow kiss. I gladly gave him dominance as the kiss deepened and I couldn't help but moan into his mouth.

Just then my sister decided to burst into my room unannounced.

"RRRUUU!" Lucy squealed, earning a chuckle from Damien at my hateful nickname which I threw him a death glare for. "Stop kissing Damien!" she scolded with a cute, motherly look. "Mom says get dressed and ready! We're going someplace!" And just like that Lucy bounced back out of my room like the world was wrapped around her little finger.

I sighed as I got up and headed toward the shower, stripping as I went. I was about to remove my boxers when I remembered that Damien was present. I gave him a sideways glance before he spoke up.

"I guess I'll head home since you're busy today..." he trailed off, being somewhat guarded from me.

I sighed heavily as I walked over to him and straddled him, in nothing but my boxers, and gave him an earnest kiss. As I pulled away I caught the faintest hint of a smile touch his lips. It wasn't until he shifted below me, causing my boxers to graze me, that I knew why. I blushed a deep shade of red, causing him to grin widely.

"Or, you could join me in the shower," I teased, giving him a wink before jumping up and going to start my shower.

As soon as the water was warm enough I stripped my boxers off and got under the warm spray. I was so absorbed in cleaning and rinsing myself off that it wasn't until Damien wrapped his arms around me that I even noticed he had entered the shower.

I blushed immediately, I mean here I was, standing naked, in the shower, with my boyfriend. I didn't actually think he would come into the shower with me! I was just teasing....

He started trailing kisses down my jaw and neck, causing a whimper to escape my lips. He pressed his whole body to mine, and the feel of his arousal awakened mine. Normally I'm not a sexual person, but damn he knew how to turn me on.

His hand traveled down my stomach and started slowing down when he got to the base of my raging hard on. I whined for him to keep going, but instead he grabbed my wrists and pushed me up against the shower wall. Looking into his eyes, deep within the blackness, his lust burned brightly.

He roughly started kissing me at first, but as it went on he slowed down and made it soft and sweet as he moved his hands up to mine and intertwined his fingers in mine. Sensing I needed oxygen, he broke the kiss and went back to kissing my jaw and neck as I panted for breath.

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