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Didn't mean to publish  this. Oops :P

The incident. Honestly, as horrible as it was, it saved my ass. Apparently while I was down in my fun little school house there had been a war brewing. Luckily someone had disabled all the nuclear bombs before it got to that point. No one knows exactly who did it, but I for one am not complaining. These people were pretty damn serious about stopping it though. They practically destroyed every nuclear research lab in the country. But that didn't stop the countries from bombing each other. I was thirteen when it started. The school was settled in a pretty remote place, so we were safe for awhile. We obviously didn't know what was going on. The only noticeable changes were the amounts and contents of the food they brought in, and I was the only one who took note of that. Then it hit. An airplane had been shot down and was coming directly to our school. The pilot was going to take some people down with him. In all honesty, I respect that about people. If you are going to die, at least go down with a bang.

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