Data Sheet

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Name: Enderio

Species: Enderman-Human Hybrid

Height: 1.85 Meters, 6.07 feet

Weight: 97 Kilograms

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Family: The Creator (Father)

-Body Definition-

Typ: Human semi Enderman

Hands: 2 Hands x 5 Fingers

Feet: 2 Feet x 5 Toes

Tail: -None-


Dark Assassinrobe


2x Darkpurple Katana (Made of Endrite)

[These are able to channel Enderenergy.]


General Strengh: +++++++---

General Defense: ++++------

General Agility: ++++++++--




The Enderpearl in the middle of this chest is nearly indestructible and the core of his Enderpower and his life force.


He his able to teleport from one place to another in the blink of an eye.


His body is made of pure Ender and can shift into any form at will. However he iluminates bright purple while doing so.

*Channeled Energy*

He is able to use the Energy to performe any sorts of attacks.

*Warp Buildings*

Enderwarp is simular to the Protoss Warptechnology. Just purple.

(The only advantage is that you don't need to build additional Pylons.)



He is able to adapt abilitys from his universe. Or adjust an existing Ability for this universe.


Assassin Skills:

The Creator copied the Skills of these peoples called 'The Assassins' from this universe called 'Assassin's Creed'.



His emotions are unbalanced. He will have a hard time to understand posive emotions and an even harder time showing them. The positive ones will always be there but he will not understand them to begin with.

Enderio - Child of the MultiverseWhere stories live. Discover now