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One week before choosing ceremony
Tris p.o.v

I walk down the isle and stop next to Lynn. Shouna starts to walk and Zeke's mouth opens.
"Close your mouth" I whisper yell and he does
I zone out until they kiss then we walk back down the isle to the reception.
"We have an announcement" Zeke yells
"I'm pregnant with a baby girl" Shouna says
Inside I feel my heart break even more then it was before.
But I just act all happy like I have for the past week.
-----------choosing ceremony---------
We run and jump on the train. We sit there and before I jump I give Uri a huge hug.
My heart now is so broken it will never be repaired
I run in and sit in my seat
All my friends chose dauntless.
Uri chooses dauntless to.
"Beatrice Pedrad" Marcus says
As I walk by my friends I whisper "goodbye"
I walk up to the bowls. I cut my hand and hold it over erudite
1 uri
2 Zeke
3 Audrey
4 mom
5 dad
6 four
7 my friends
8 the baby
9 my life
10 dauntless.....
I am dauntless I am brave but I won't be safe. I let my blood fall into the water. I feel tears sting my eyes.
I turn around and sneak a glance at my friends. They are all crying. I feel tears run down my face.
I sit down and think.
"I made the wrong choice"
"I will be safe here"
"But my friends"
"My family"
"I'm Erudite now I can't go back"
We get up and walk to Erudite headquarters
We enter the building and I see him. Caleb.
I run up to him and give him a hug
"I missed you"
"I missed you too"
We go on a tour and everyone changes.
Everyone else goes to eat and I just sit on my bed and cry. 

Tris pedrad-Dream #Wattys2016Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt