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Many think they know the story of the Princess of Aethiopia. 

They think that they understand what happened that day.

 A beautiful queen foolishly claiming to be more beautiful than any other mortal or god; a horrible monster destroying a kingdom; a tragic sacrifice demanded; a prince swooping in and saving the day. 

Happily ever after.

But that's not the truth. 

Few know the true story of Princess Andromeda, Crown Princess of Aethiopia.

I happen to be one of those few. Andromeda's story – my story – has remained silent and hidden for too long. It's time for the truth to be known. It's time to set the records straight.

It all began on a bright afternoon many centuries ago in the salty waters of the Oceani Aethiopici, known today as the Atlantic Ocean. 

The kingdom of Aethiopia had experienced a time of peace for several years. But war was on the horizon, threatening the Aethiopians' way of life. 

King Cepheus knew the only way to guarantee his kingdom's safety was to create an alliance with one of the strongest kingdoms on the country of what is now known as Africa, using his only daughter Andromeda.


However, all of that changed one fateful day.

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