48. A.M.

47 6 0

Lay still,
Don't think,
Just stare,
Into my eyes.

Lips moving,
Calming fire,
Cold breeze,
Let's escape.

Reliving moments,
Adventurous live,
Crowded woods,
We're different.

Time forgotten,
Sleepy conversations,
Soothing voice,
Stay tight.

Free yourself,
Fight for it,
Everything is out,
We're happy.

Stay with me,
Till the A.M.

A.M. - One Direction

A/N: Wrote this in a rush as I'm heading out. Enjoy the nature every once in a while, yeah?

Wattpad decided to play a prank on me as lots of lines from this was deleted, causing me to write it back. I tried really hard to get it back, but failed when only a few came back to me.

Picture is attached!

Hope you like it!


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