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Guys sorry sebab bikin tertunggu tunggu , i know imma bad author . But again im here !

Enjoy !



"What the hell ? Aku dah lambat okay , kau ni siapa ? Dah lah kacau jalan aku . Please get the hell out of my sight . Im in hurry"

His face full of tense . Dia tak kenal aku ? Entah kenapa aku dapat rasa mata aku mula berair , how i miss him . But now Danish is infront of my face and claiming that he dont know the fuck i am .

He forgets me ? Im tearing so badly .

"I .. i .. im so sorry , i thought you were my precious that ive been longing for . It seems that ive met the wrong person ."

Aku nampak riak wajah dia berubah bila tengok aku menangis . Sort of guilty , but then he clear his throat and put that tense face back .

"Yeah , whatever . Get out of my way . And for sake god stop crying . You look dumb ."

Aku cepat cepat kesat airmata sebab aku taknak nampak lemah . Aku angguk dan aku biarkan dia pergi . Aku pernah janji dengan diri aku kalau aku jumpa dia balik aku takkan biarkan dia pergi . But here i am again letting him go .

Aku teringat aku ada kerja yang harus aku buat . Aku kutip briefcase aku yang dah terjatuh dan aku jalan masuk syarikat yang lilith cakap dengan harapan aku takkan bersua muka dengan dia lagi . Mungkin ini cara dia hukum aku . Dengan buat buat taktahu aku siapa .

Aku terima .


"Masuk !"

Aku mendengar suara lelaki yang agak garau menyuruh aku masuk selepas aku ketuk pintu . Aku memulas tombol pintu dan memboloskan diri aku masuk .

aku terpegun melihat pejabat yang begitu mewah , elegan dan bersih susunannya .

Aku kembali melihat meja tempat bakal boss aku . Dia duduk di kerusi dan membelakangkan aku .

*zrettt* kerusii berpusing .

"You again ? Apa kau buat dalam office aku"


Never ever thought this is coming . Gulp .



"Tuan danish , im sorry . Saya disini untuk temuduga kerja . I heard that your company needs a secretory and im majoring in secretory"

"Huh interesting , after all that happen outside , you still got the guts to walk in . Im giving you credit with that . Miss ... ?"

Aku mengeluh . He still put the act . Macam tak kenal aku .

"Miss ardella"

"Hmm miss ardella"

"So can we proceed the interview , tuan danish ?"

"Once of all , you dont use that tone with me young lady . Im your boss . Drop that snobbish act of yours"

Aku tau semua ni takkan berakhir dengan senang . He is torturing me for god knows why . He is the cold Danish and from how he treat me , he s trying to make me suffer .

"Okay if you got me , please proceed . Take a seat Ardella"

Aku duduk dengan tertib .

"So , first question . Why do you think you suit this job after all?"

Aku tersenyum , ikhlas . Membuatkan dia terpegun seketika .

"Because , i think i have every knowledge about being a proactive secretory and im flexible with every task you'll hand to me in the future . I'll do my best"

"Wow , impressive . Youre confident . I can see . What if you need to follow me anywhere i need to go ?"

"Well if its relating with the job , im being very professional . like i said , im flexible with every task . So as long as we dont cross our boundary , its fine ."

Aku jawab dengan tenang . Kau nak sangat aku jauh dengan kau , okay then i will .

Dia tenung mata aku membuatkan aku tak senang duduk . He always give me butterflies .

"Okay enough regarding work , lets move to your personal"

Aku mulaa tak sedap hati . Kenapa pulak mamat ni nak tanya pasal personal . Kata tak suka aku , sebok je nak tahu .

"if you dont mind , can i ask why ? Because we need to be profesional right ? i dont see why my personal havee to do with it ?"

"Ohh , thats where you were wrong . You are gonna be my employee and i need to know everything about you"

"Well if that s what you say , im okay with it"

"Okayy good . So first question . Do you have any boyfriend ?"

Aku terdiam . Why the fuck is he doing this to me . He s being to complicated . Well , if you wanna play , ill play .

"Of course i do"

Tipu .

Muka dia mula mengetat . Mula membahang . Dia bangun . Dia jalan kearah aku duduk . Aku memerhatikan setiap pergerakan . Dia makin hampir dan dia  memegang antara kerusi aku dan meja kerjanya , dan posisi aku yang sedang duduk membuatkan aku terpaksa mendongak melihat dia .

"Who is the fucking guy , Ardella?"

"None of your damn bisnes , tuan danish . Now if you dont mind , could you please back off?"

Muka dia makin bengang . Jelous lah tu . Okay Ardella jangan perasan okay ? . Betul apaa ? Kalau tak , kenapaa nak marah ?

"Answer me ardella , who is the fucking guy"

Muka dia makin tense , he clenched his jaw . Gulp . this view of him makes me shiver . he s a goddess . So fucking handsome . And muka garang dia sangat sexy . From what i see , dia semakin tegap .

Ohh ardella ! Get a grip of yourself . Youre letting him win , you little fucker !


Tengkingan dia buat aku terkejut dan sayu . Dia dulu sangat lembut , lagi lagi dengan aku . Airmata aku mula bertakung . Aku tolak dia kasar membuatkan dia hampir ke belakang .

"Why the fuck you care Danish ! . You left me without words now you showed up claiming you dont know the fuck i am . And youre screaming at me ! Youre treating me like im a fucking toy ! And know what ? I dont have any boyfriend ! Not after you left . Im trembling after you left . you took every piece of me . Oh no , i hate you . i hate you so damn much Danish ! oh god , i love you . Go to hell with you re being my boss . Im not going to take take this job after all . Im done . Im done with you ! .

Dengan penuh tangisan aku pergi , dengan hati yang terlukaa . hati yang cukup hancur .

Aku keluar dari bilik dia .

Tapi jauh sudut hati aku , aku harap dia kejar aku . Its been 4 years im waiting . Its too long to give up now .

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