Quick Kill

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The heat was burning my black spots in the dry, hot African plains. I got up purring loudly , stretching slowly as not to tear up my athletic body, opening up my stiff muscles. I laid down on the bushy grass feeling more relaxed looking at a brown body across a distance.

I perked my head and locked my big round bulgy eyes onto the body. The warm wind blew towards me, hitting my face with the smell of blood, meat, sweat and some elephant dung. My dry blood thirsty throat couldn't bare the smell of the juicy body.

I walked close enough and i could see the vivid fat juicy impala.I was close enough but to make sure i did not blow my cover , i laid low on to the dry grassy bush. This gave me an advantage as my colour would blend in with the surroundings and my black spots would look like shadows on the ground.

I was observing my prey to see its weak spots but i was defeated in doing so, the impala was young and strong and dint have any weak spots. I moved towards the impala, paw by paw, one paw at a time, silently and patiently. In a second the impalas head was erect looking towards my direction. I taught this was the end of my hunt. I did not let  my hind paw touch the ground, i left it hanging in the air like how the dragon flies hover waiting for the antelope to look away.

Finally this was my chance. I was close enough but didn't attack yet. I lent back grabbing my paws into the soil to get that launch which will make me burst into a sprint. And within a blink of an eye, i burst out of the bush, sprinting towards the startled trotting antelope. I was running as fast as i could, taking in quick short gasps of refreshing air, i could feel my muscles burning and my heart beating like the African drums.

I sprung my self towards the antelopes gait, my claws sinking into its flesh, pulling it down, slicing the meat, blood spilling every where. I quickly went for the neck and killed the scared herbivore. And my hunt was succsessful. I dragged the body all the way to my tree with all the extra strength i had left in me. i pauesd to catch as much air as i could in to my beating chest. Panting looking around, making sure that there are no theives around.  

Finally i started off by licking the blood which was dripping from the antelopes half cut neck. And ate till my belly could take in no more. It was an undescribabel feeling, like when an empty bucket is filled up with water but in this case, my belly is the bucket and the meat was the water. I got up with my belly full almost reaching the ground . And snoozed of into the african plains.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2011 ⏰

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