Part 1

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I was never one accustomed to moping around the house after a break up. Sitting around, eating ice cream from the tub, watching Titanic was really not my style. I preferred my brother's way of doing break ups- get over one by getting under another.

Eden, however, was the type to sit around, eating ice cream out of the tub, watching Titanic while suffering a break up. Unfortunately, I was being dragged down that rabbit hole with her, even though my relationship with Matt is still very much going strong one year on.

Today, we celebrate our one year anniversary, although it took a lot of arguing for us to figure out the actual date of our anniversary. We each made a case for September 5th, the day Matt sent me the e-mail. Then there was September 8th to consider, the day he first text me. We toyed with the idea of our anniversary being October 27th, when Matt finally revealed his name and I first told him that I loved him. He ixnayed the idea, and so we were left with December 20th, the day we finally gave up the charade.

December 20th is our anniversary date.

We're supposed to be going out for dinner and being all romantic and such, but as of yet, Matt hasn't come home from college. His flight's been delayed by a day and I'm starting to get panicked that he won't be home at all. Which is why I'm currently sat on the couch with Eden as she balls her eyes out.

I've yet to decipher if the tears are because she knows how Titanic is going to end- and she always cries at the end- or if it's more to do with her and Jake's break up. If I had to take a guess, I think she's more upset about the break up.

Yeah, Jake and Eden broke up. Cheating on your partner would do that to a relationship, but I try not to say that aloud when Eden's around.

If you're wondering who did the cheating, it was Eden.

It came as a shock to everyone else too, especially considering who she cheated with. Now, I always thought Eden and Asa were strictly platonic, but somewhere between her summer vacation to Israel and his visit here for Thanksgiving, their friendship veered over the friendship line. The details are a little sketchy but from what I gather, Eden and Asa hooked up while he was visiting at the end of November. Jake walked in on them when he came home for a surprise visit and broke up with Eden right then and there while she and Asa were quickly trying to get dressed.

It was awful. I mean, I've never been Jake Preston's biggest fan but being humiliated like that is horrible. For the entire Thanksgiving weekend, Jake spent every day with Matt, crying and venting, screaming and then crying a little more. Matt was fuming over the whole thing and I thought for sure that my sister's betrayal of his best friend would cause our relationship problems, but for the most part, Matt and I kept out of the whole drama.

"Jake loved this movie," Eden warbles before a new flood of tears escape her eyes.

I raised my eyebrow in her direction, but I said nothing. I highly doubted Jake loved this movie because, let's face it, he's a guy and guys just don't like Titanic. If he had miraculously ever professed his love for it, it was probably done in the quest for sex.

I didn't respond to Eden's tears, but Noah just couldn't resist a dig at her.

"This is what happens when you cheat," Noah said through gritted teeth.

Noah- apart from Jake- was the one that took the whole Eden-Asa thing the worst. Noah very rarely likes anyone but in the past few months, it seemed like he was really getting along with Jake. They would message each other via Messenger, arrange bro days out if they were both ever home at the same time, and they would send each other YouTube links to funny videos. Jake practically became the brother Noah never had.

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