Chapter 2

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"How could you two be related you look nothing alike?!"

"Well Blackstar was adopted into my family before they had me so... " Maka trailed off.

'I'm surprised that Blackstar is quiet for once. '

Suddenly Blackstar jumps onto the coffee table.

Blackstar is currently bleeding out on the floor. While Maka innocently drinks her coffee.

'They sure do make a strange pair'
After awhile of actual peaceful talking, yes Blackstar is still unconscious. Maka noticed the piano, her eyes lit up at the instrument with curiosity.

"So, Soul you play the piano?" she tried to casually make the conversation drift towards the piano.

"Umm...kinda I'm not very good, plus I haven't touched that old thing in awhile." he said while scratching his cheek trying to avoid the subject.

"Well all the more reason to show me how you play, so please." she insisted.
Soul had really wanted to say no, but there was something about the way she was looking at him with those giant emerald green orbs, and he found it was impossible to say no to them.

He sat at the piano bench it being already perfectly adjusted to his height. He tapped a few notes, so he could hear what key it was even though he already had each sound memorized into skull.

He quickly turns to her "Any requests?"

She shook her head "No, I want to hear your music, not someone else's, what's the point of asking you to play if it's not your own?"

With her saying that he found himself smirking, it was the first time someone actually wanted to hear what he wanted to play not some robot piece everyone's already heard before.

Do he put his whole soul into this one piece.
This piece his piece was perfect, Maka couldn't describe it as anything but beautiful. It started out slow, and melodic, but as he got more into it, it had a more angry, and demonic vibe. It kept going between low, to loud it was as if he was fighting with himself, and she could only wonder on what it meant.
The song soon came to an end, and they sat in utter silence.

Forever had seemed to pass, and Soul being the person he was cared deeply of what people thought of his music, but with Maka his anxiety seemed to triple.

"Well?" he finally breathed out, not looking her in the eyes afraid of what he might see.

"Soul that was..."

He held his breath.

"...Beautiful" she finished.

He turned his head towards her so fast he thought he might have gave himself whiplash.

He opened his mouth to say something, but the words wouldn't come out, so it kinda just hung open.

'No ones ever complimented my original work they say it's not as good as his'

"No I'm serious I've never heard anything like it, it almost felt as if your devil, and angel side were arguing."

And that's all it took.

The piece Soul played he had titled it Devil, and Angel, and she just hit it on the head like if she had wrote it herself.

Once again Soul was in awe, but of course good moments can't last forever, so that means it's time for Blackstar to get up.


Maka handed Soul two tickets.

"Come tomorrow, and bring a friend, then I can think of a way to thank you for the clothes, and shower. " she said all with a closed smile.

Soul returned it with a grin of his own.


Closing the door behind the two siblings, Soul sighed.

"I guess I'll have to wake up early tomorrow"

But for some reason he doesn't mind getting up early. He took a quick shower, put on fresh clothes, and jumper in bed.

The only thing on his mind are those gigantic emerald eyes before he drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note : Thank you for the people who are following my story, and reviewing I made the second chapter so please enjoy. Bye~✌

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