Chapter 5: A Night With Bieber

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Louis POV

The moment when I met Justin, I just asked myself,

'Is this the reason why I was going to die today? So I could meet this boy?'

My mother told me that even in situations, you meet people that were never meant to come your way.

Now I knew I was going to be with Justin for long while.

But not the way I expect it to be.


"my name is Justin" I just stood there, staring at him.

Why am I staring at him this way?

"uh Louis?" he said my name! Oh shit, now I'm acting like a teenage girl.


"you can stop shaking my hand now" he told me awkwardly.

I looked at our hands, which I was STILL shaking his hand, I quickly stopped and blushed of embarrassment.

"oh u-uhh, s-sorry" I stuttered.

"it's okay" he chuckled, he has a cute laugh.

NO LOUIS, BAD BOY! You just met the guy!

A loud honk hits our eardrums from a car infront of us, hmm I forgot I was on a freeway.

"ARE YOU HOBOS GOING TO MOVE OR JUST STAND THERE?!" shouted a grumpy fat man from his car.


"MOVE!" shouted the fat man again, honking his horn.

"come on" Justin said, leading me off the road.

As we got away from the traffic, I did realize why that man did call us hobos.

Justin was wearing a worn out red converses, a dirty jeans, a plaid shirt with small holes on it, and a really old brown coat.

"I could see your homeless" he told me.

"yeah I am"

"that's sucks" I nodded as I looked at him.

"don't take this the wrong way if it isn't true, but you look homeless as well" I told him, I mean who would wear clothes like that if they weren't poor or homeless?

"I wouldn't say homeless, but yeah, it looks as it seems to be" he chuckled.

I don't know why, but all of a sudden I just want to ask him more and more questions like 'why wouldn't you call yourself homeless?' or 'where did you come from all of sudden?', you just questions.

"what's your full name?" He asked politely.

"Louis Tomlinson"

"I like you name, it's fits you perfectly" he smiles, I blush at the ground.

"thanks, and yours?"

"Justin Bieber, not the best last name but I can live with it" are you kidding me?

That's like the cutest name ever! UGH, LOUIS SHUT UP!

"are you hungry?" he asked me, snapping out of my thoughts.

"yeah, kind of" kind of Louis? YOU'RE STARVING!

"then come on, let's go" he said picking up his backpack and I believe a guitar.

Oh he plays the guitar, that's nice.

"where are we going?" I asked, picking up my backpack.

At least I have some clothes and the things I need in my backpack.

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