Chapter 19: The Kiss & Test

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Louis POV

Harry was a great mate once I got to know him,

but ever since Justin came back, he's been nothing but a jerk to me whenever Justin was around.

I got to the bottom of this,

though it wasn't pretty.

Neither was this huge surprise with one result to a test.


"Louis I didn't flirt with her, she came to me and gave me her number!

But I'm not interested in her,

babe I'm swear"

"I understand that, but I still can't believe you still took her number!"

"but I threw it away afterwards though"

"I don't care, I hate seeing girls having their dirty palms all over you,

you are way out of my league!

A guy like you, shouldn't be with a guy like me"

"Why can't you just understand that I love you and nobody else!"

"whatever Justin, I don't care no more"

"fine then, think what you want to believe" he sighs,

he turns as he sees Harry.

"hi Harry" Justin greeted,

Harry just nods at him and looks away.

Justin just shakes his head as he walks out to the patio.

Harry just looks at me as I just smirk,

"hey Hazza"

"hey" he smirks,

"I'm sorry if you had to see that, we'll get over it in no time" I bit my lip, as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"it's fine, some relationships aren't always easy" he chuckled as chuckled as well,

"your telling me"

Harry stays quiet as if he was having a hard time saying something.

"Harry, are you alright?"

"y-yeah, yeah I'm a-alright"

"Are you sure? I'll go get you-"

"what are you thinking Louis?" Harry cuts me off,

"what are you thinking in the future with Justin?" he asked me as he just sternly glares at me.

"I'm going to spend my life with him of course"

"Oh, so you could be arguing every time about every single thing?"

"Hey, we may argue sometimes but that doesn't mean we don't love each other"

"oh yeah Louis, then next thing you know you two start arguing of how you always argue about stupid reasons"

"What's your problem?

Ever since Justin got here, you've been nothing but distance or rude to him"

"What's my problem, you want to know what me problem is?

My problem is how I fell for a boy who hasn't paid any attention to me,

which I happen to be the one that's right for him!"

"well I'm sorry that boy doesn't feel the same about you,

but it doesn't give you the right to be rude to Justin whenever he's around!"

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