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My face was still flushed, my skin was still burning when Nolan handed the man a book.
He came for a book.
Let's say I was a teeny bit embarrassed when the man walked in on me and Nolan. It also made me a little angry at the man.
I guess I shouldn't call him "the man" his name is Abraham, and I don't really like him.
Nolan said that him and Abraham went way back, they were practically brothers.
I don't know what to think.
Abraham was a stout man, almost scholar-like. He said he used to be a professor in Victorian times.
Yeah, another vampire.
Abraham was kinda wigged out when he saw Nolan making out with a human, Well maybe not a complete human, but still a human. And of course, I was super embarrassed. Abraham almost seems like an old imposing dad, coming home to find his daughter with some older man.
Yeah. He had a disappointed look on his face too.
Nolan, who know how old, making out with a little girl, he probably thought it was weird.
I had a feeling I would have to ask Nolan about his age later. Hopefully he wouldn't think it's weird that he made out with an almost-sixteen-totally-mature girl. Let's say I felt kinda proud I had actually kissed a boy who was a 1,000,000 on the Richter scale.
No, scratch kinda proud.
Try super proud.
Super, duper proud.
Abraham took a sip of some red liquid (I know what it is it's just kinda gross.)
"So, Katrina, what interest do you have in Nolan?"
Total father figure to Nolan.
No how are you, or how has your day been? It had to be about Nolan.
Of course.
I hesitated, "Um, Well, Nolan pretty much saved my life, and I don't have a home to got to, so I'm staying here."
He nodded, "How, may I ask, did he save your life?"
I frowned, "My mom. She nearly beat me to death and Nolan brought me here and healed me."
Just then Nolan walked into the room.
He carried a glass of tea to me, "What was this talk about me?"
I took the glass, "I was telling Abraham how you healed me after I was hurt."
He frowned, "I didn't heal you, you healed yourself."
I nearly choked on my tea.
He looked at me, "You didn't know you healed yourself?"
I shook my head. I was completely and utterly confused. How would I have healed myself? It had never happened before, I healed at the rate of a normal person.
Or did I?
I checked my arms, no bruises. I hadn't thought about that. My mom had nearly beat me to death, I had broken my arms and I even think I broke my back. How could there not even be a bruise?
Abraham studied me, "You healed yourself from the brink of death?"
I nodded, transfixed at my abilities.
"Hmm, this is interesting Nolan, did you know of her abilities?"
Nolan nodded, "I knew she could heal herself, I saw it, but I don't know what she is."
Abraham stood, "Well we must find out, she could be the one!"
I butted in, "What are you talking about?"
Abraham looked exited, but Nolan had an aura of indifference.
"Nothing but a child's tale." Nolan said.
Abraham took him by the shoulders, "Nolan, boy, this could be the savior! She could be the savior of the human race!"
My mind was reeling, savior of the human race? What did he mean?
I looked to Abraham, "What do you mean, savior of the human race?"
He talked fast, exited, "Theres an old legend, it's about the day the supernaturals will take over the world, killing the humans for domination. With no humans, the vampires will die and with no protection from each other the WereWolves, mermaids, and fae will go to war , effectively killing each other, along with all the creatures on the earth!" He finished with a wave of his hand.
Nolan scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest, "I think it's a load of shit."
My mind was on overload. I didn't know what to think, who to believe. I wanted to believe Nolan, but Abrahams story would explain who I am and what I am.
"Is there any way to tell if that's what I am?" I asked.
He thought for a minute, "We could see your abilities, test you out."
I nodded, eager to learn what I am.
Abraham smiled, "Great, we can start tomorrow if your comfortable. Nolan, are you okay with me staying here for a few days?"
Nolan sighed, "I guess, but don't eat my food Abraham, I have a very limited supply."
Abraham agreed.

Back in my room I played on my bed, hair fanned out around me. The sun was just sinking below the horizon, casting an orange glow on the room. I had taken off my jeans, but left my bra on. It had just been one of those days.
As much as I tried, I couldn't get the image of Nolan with his shirt off out of my mind. He was just so unbelievably hot.
The way he had held me was almost like you would hold glass.
And soft at all the same time.
The way his kisses had felt on my neck-
A rap at the door pulled me out of my daze.
"Come in." The door opened.
It was Nolan.
He closed the door and leaned against it.
"Are you hungry?" His voice was almost strained, awkward.
I looked at my blanket, and wrapped it around me, "Yeah, a little."
He nodded, "Ill get you some, what do you want?"
I thought, and looked up at him, meeting his gaze, "Can I have some chicken nuggets and fries?"
He smiled, all awkwardness gone, "Anything in the world and you choose chicken nuggets and fries."
I frowned, "Is there anything wrong with chicken nuggets and fries?"
"No, no, I'll go get some."
And he left. Again.

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