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Light came in a stream through the tinted windows. The quiet radio played in the background. The hum of the motor picked at the edge of my consciousness, egging me to wake. I was stiff, having slept in the seat a strange way. Domitius drove, still on the highway. I watched him for a minute, taking in his perfectly sculptured features. His face was bored, he had a slight pout to his lips and a small tilt of his eyebrows. His eyes were glazed while they watched the road, flickering back and forth between cars.
"Its rude to stare."
He stayed looking straight ahead, which made me wonder how he could tell I was awake.
My cheeks flamed, "I wasn't staring, I was looking out the window."
A few moments of awkward silence trailed the car.
He finally looked at me, "How do you feel?"
I took inventory of my body parts, bending them and stretching them, looking for pain.
Thank goodness I found none.
"I feel fine." My voice was curious. He looked different to me since last night, he was better, even more beautiful than before.
It didn't despise it, it was a good, but I had no clue what it was. I looked out of the window to take my mind off those thoughts. Traffic was slow and unyielding as we slowed at a red light.
Someone rammed into the back of the car, which caused my head to whip forward painfully. A surprised gasp escaped my lips, the brand new Lamborghini probably had a dent.
Domitius cursed, and slammed his door open. A small cloud was gathered around the scene, all looked horrified and grief stricken at the injured car. I followed him out, only less angrily than him.
A lot less angrier.
A skinny girl, maybe 5'4", stepped out of the small, Ford Focus attached to the Lamborghini rear end.
She gave a sudden meeting sound when Domitius faced her, and put on a huge innocent expression, and pushed her chest out like no one would notice.
My eyes narrowed into slits.
"I'm so sorry! I was just looking at your car, when the light turned and I didn't notice..." I zoned out her sickly, sweet voice to study her physique.
She had round, red lips, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes framed by pretty eyelashes.
She wore a very short black skirt, so short you could see her butt. Knee high boots, and net lace hosiery. Her top was small: practically like a red bikini, only with tiny sleeves.
She was, in no other word to describe, a slut.
While she talked, she pleased her hand on her heaving chest, which drew attention there.
My eyes narrowed more, almost like she was a threat.
Domitius seethed.
I could see the rage boiling beneath the surface of his skin,ready to burst free. I knew that if I didn't intervene he would eat the girl.
Even if she was a stranger, nobody deserved to be eaten by a vampire.
I walked around the car to his side and clutched Domitius's arm; he had taken a step toward her, and I could barely see the glint of fangs through his wondrous lips.
I shook his arm a bit to pull him out of his trance.
"Domitius. Calm." Thankfully, my shake worked, and his features went slack under my gaze. He looked at me gratefully, but turned back to the girl.
I held his eyes for a bit longer, then turned back to the girl, who was still rambling.
She gestured at the connected cars, "I can get my purse, for my insurance."
I held up a hand to stop her, "No, no. We're on a trip, you can just go. We have enough money to fix the car." I looked to Domitius for reassurance, and was surprised to see him nod after a second of thought.
The girls mouth popped open into an O. She looked between us, and at my hand grasped possessively over his arm.
Slowly she nodded, "I see...your together together." She switched her gaze back to the car, "Um. But yeah, that will work out fine for me. I'll be able to pay for my car, so yeah. If I don't need my insurance that's amazing."
I tightened my hand on his arm, in a meaning that meant he should talk.
He did.
He looked at the girl, eyes unnerving, "I suppose that will work. I guess we'll be on our way, then."
With that, Domitius swung back on the car, not glancing in the women's direction one inch. She looked to me, and I shrugged.
I had nothing to do but follow him.
Back in the car the radio was playing softly. The station still set on old rock.
The song was ironic: Knocking on Heavens Door. That happened to be the very thing that women would be doing now if I hadn't spoken up.
To say the least, I was very relieved Domitius didn't murder anyone.
The car was still running, so Domitius just hit the gas. Cars had continued around us, so there was little to no traffic at the light. We drove on, a dented bumper and low gas tank couldn't slow us down.
And I still had no clue where we were headed.
Domitius took an exit.
And turned into an airport.
I gasped at the giant white building, huge windows and large parking lots dominated my view. People streamed in and our of the doors, and made a small traffic jam.
I had never been to an airport before that moment.
I didn't even know what they looked like.
Domitius parked to car in an empty lot about 109 feet from the entrance of the airport. The engine stopped, and silence blanketed the car in sheets.
I looked at Domitius, only to find him loooking right at me
I tilted my head in a wondering way.
He stretched put his hand to rub the back of mine in gentle circles. His eyes lowered to the seat.
"Thank you." He hesitated, and met my eyes once more, "For calming me before I could kill that little girl."
I nodded, and internally shivered when his hand grazed up my bare arm.
"No problem. It looked like you were about to have a crap attack out there." I smiled a little, "Looked like you needed some help." I sad I matter of factly.
He smiled slightly too, "Yes," his voice was soft, and smooth, "I am going to need help after this too."
I frowned.
After what?
His hand cupped my cheek gently, and his face lowered close to mine.
Before I could comprehend what he was doing, his lips had already captured mine.
His kiss was powerful, but gentle and sweet at the same time. While Nolan was sometimes lustful and demanding, Domitius was calm and cool.
It was perfect.
My mind exploded.
One hundred times.
I lifted my hands to his dark shirt, and placed them on his cold, hard chest. His soft lips broke from mine, and he moved his head to my cheek, where his lashes grazed my skin. He kissed under my jaw, and left a trail of fire. I entwined my fingers in his soft, black locks, and loved the cool touch under my fingertips. His lips found my own once more, and I captured them in a drunken state.
He deepened the kiss, and slid one hand into my hair, the other to my waist.
He broke away, but not before I felt his fangs nip my lip in an almost playful gesture.
When I opened my dreamy eyes, I was met with his black ones. He looked almost surprised when he fought my eyes, his own dark irises a mass of emotions.
He gulped.
His hand inched toward the door handle, "Hurry, before we miss the flight."
Domitius escaped the car, and left me alone to reflect my own feelings.
I touched my lips.
Had that been real?

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