Chapter 2

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The two boys froze, when they made eyes contact, the feeling of time stopping welcomed them warmly. Five minutes ago they've just met, but why does this feeling feel familiar? Why does it feel like they know each other?

All those questions travelled through their busy minds. Staring at each others eyes, they felt complete. The way they felt wasn't just they are two different people.. Very differently. But they didn't feel uncomfortable, the feeling feels warmer and just right.

Barking sound of the familiar dog broke the silence. Finally Jimin broke the eye contact and directed his eyes in the direction the barking came from. Looking behind the boy he just met he saw Max near the tree barking at something typical. He walked off to his dog leaving the boy. He needed to escape from this awkward situation. He probably looked like a weirdo staring at some strange he just met he thought.

Taehyung watched the boy walk away, leaving him alone. She shook his head and ran up to the boy grabbing his shoulders to make him look at him again. Jimin gave in and looked at the boy with a confused look.

"Why did you leave?" Taehyung whispered which made the boy feel bad for leaving.

"I..I have to go. My dog needs me" jimin stuttered with his soft voice, then pointed at the dog.

Jimin's pov

Please leave me alone. Please.

"Alright, I will leave you alone, but.. There's one last thing I need you do, " he said, his words made me feel uncomfortable and more confused.

"What do you want?" I asked and he returned straight away "Pass me your phone for a second" he demanded and held his hand out.

When I gave him my phone he wrote something about it, then wrote something on his phone. Then he passed it back and I noticed something... New contact?

"Taehyung?" I asked quietly, he just nodded with a wide rectangular amused smile.

Lost in thoughts I took a look at my phone again. Why did he give me his number? We just met, we are strangers.

When I searched for Taehyung he disappeared.

The wind blew stronger, even the slow started to fall from the sky. Jimin waited five more minutes, so Taehyung maybe will come back. But he didn't. The only option left for Jimin was to go home, so he did.

Walking down the alley down his neighborhood. There weren't any welcoming, bright Christmas lights instead the place is full of darkness, the feeling of abandonemess rise up when he through it. He could feel goosebumps on his body. This place is creepy. And it's worst at night.

Finally, when Jimin arrived home, he checked the time 5:06am, the sun was slowly rising. He hung his jacket, changed his outfit into something more comfortable, joggers and hoodie.

Ever since his mother showed him sunrise Jimin fell in love with the view. It reminds him of his mother and the times when they were a happy family. The memories of the first time his eyes explored the beauty of sunrise flooded into his head. He remembers when his mother woke him up and he was confused, he thought something bad happened. But now he finds himself looking for sunrise most of the times. This type of view comforts him. Makes him feel safe.

The boy comfortably leaned on the window sill observing the gorgeous view and next to him Max enjoying the moment.

Taehyung's pov

"Pass me your phone for a second, " I said with a demanding voice, he just looked at me so confused and innocent.

But he didn't even argue? I'm starting to like him a little. I need to get closer to him, he seems like a really nice and friendly person. Also, he's really cute.

When he handed me his phone I noticed a couple and a little boy in the middle on the wallpaper. He looked like him, but younger. Are they his parents? Type-in my number on his phone I imidentity saved his number on my phone in case he will forget to call or just forgets that we just met.

After handling his phone back his reaction was priceless. He looks so confused haha.

"Taehyung?" he asked softly. I could feel my heart beat faster. The was he said my name just made me happy. So I just returned with a wide rectangular smile of mine. Then I noticed him looking back on his phone, I should leave now. I don't want to bother him anymore, he look really cold also I told him I will leave him alone after right?

"I don't feel like going home is a good idea, " I thought to myself. What if I will get hit again? I don't want to go through the pain I will just ask hyung jungkook for a night to stay. Jungkook is one of my closest friends and I admire him a lot. After my mother died, we moved houses because my dad didn't want to live in the same house mom died in. So we moved and one day when I was playing outside I met jungkook. He might be quite quiet in school because he don't really likes all the attention on him, but when you talk to him all the time that he's not quiet. Actually, he's really smart and comforting also really wild. He likes fun. But only when he's around people who's he's comfortable with and I am too.

Although our group isn't that large we treat each other like family and I love them with all my heart. They helped me through the fin and thick, but we only just met last year at a Halloween party. It was one of the biggest and wildest parties. I never thought I would get invited by a popular girl in our class, but hey I made it. She said me and jungkook looked cute, so that's why she invited us. On that night I actually found out her name and facts about her. I got to know her a little and she's a nice girl. Her name is May.

Also, I met the people that mean so much to me at this moment.

Yoongi, he looks like he's trouble, but in reality under he's really friendly and helpful. Also, his passion is to rap and sleep a lot.

Hoseok, the dude who's all the time happy. Full with energy and his dance moves are really fantastic. I noticed he's always with yoongi and namjoon. The reason is they also have a deep passion for rapping and music.

Namjoon, his English is really good. He's a born leader, he likes to take over things and make them right. Although his dance moves aren't that good his rapping skills are sick.

And lastly seokjin, mother figure. His home cooked meals make me feel like home that I always wanted. He's a warm guy with a really large stomach.

I should just ring jungkook it's getting colder every second.

Jungkook's pov

The sound of my phone echoed in my ears. It's 5am why would you wake up someone at this hour agh. Looking at the screen, it's Taehyung. "Hello? Taehyung?" I answered with my tired voice.

"Hey man...erm... I'm sorry for bothering you, but can I stay for a night?" he asked warmly. But his voice sounds sad. Did he run away again? "Yes, I'll unlock the back door be there in five or I'll kill you. I need to sleep Taehyung" I said with a serious yet sleepy voice.

"Really?! Thank you! Alright, I'll be there, see ya man!" he replied with a happy voice.

Okay.. I better get going. He can get here in any second.

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