People in the back

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(it gets very sexual, you have been warned ,very detailed ;) )

so its been a few weeks since my attack on Aj. There was a number 1 contender match against me and Kaitlyn. I won offcourse. But yeah everything is going great for me atm, the fans are soo awesome.

And I have made alot knew friends backstage including all the divas except for the Bitches like Aksana, Rosa and Summer. And I made friends with Sheamus, Randy, Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett, Dolph ziggler, ,John cena, Cody Rhodes and I kinda have this small crush on CM Punk ever since we became friends.

But one set of guys I didnt want the companionship was the shield. I mean I have nothing against Seth or Roman. I mean me and Seth have been friends for ages, But Dean is just something else. He is just an ass hole that I wish I never knew.

I went into the cafeteria and this was like 2 hours before Raw, I was joined by John, Punk and Aj.

"so Paige, a pretty girl like yourself shouldn't be harming her body by joining this industry" John said, trying to be funny.

"if anything John you are harming the women in this industry, I mean I saw poor Nikki in her wheelchair, how hard did you bang her Johnny boy?" I said with a huge grin on my face, at this point punk and Aj were crying with laughter, and punk looked at me with a proud but lust full look.John made some random excuse and walked away with embarrassment.

"Funny,Beautiful and You can wrestle, you have the complete package Miss Paige " Punk stated

"well you have a pretty great package yourself Mr Punk" I looked down at his crotch and winked, he looked at me shocked yet his eyes filled with lust, with that I walked away but as I walked off the Shield entered the cafeteria, Dean just stared at me, undressing me with his eyes and smirking just before he looked away and I left as soon as possibe.

Raw had finished and there were not many, I was just walking round the hallway waiting for me ride back to the hotel, I was thinking about my awkward encounter with the Shield but what amused me more is how lustfully punk looked at me, I mean yea I have a small crush but I dunno, I think he just likes my attitude.

Sudddenly Someone grabbed your wrists and slammed you against the wall. Pinning your hands above your head. CM PUNK towered over you in height. He crashed his lips into yours shoving his tongue inside your mouth. He moved the position of his hands so that only one just his hands where pinning both of yours. The sheer strength of him was enough to scare you, but it also had other effects. He run his free hand down your body and into your trousers, and straight into your panties. You let out a light moan and you felt his fingertips brush over your clitoris. He continued to rub you slowly getting faster, not for a second did he take his tongue out of your mouth. Without warning he released you and pushed down to the floor. Falling onto your knees you became in perfect line to see his growing erection through his shorts. You couldn't resist teasing him for a second by stroking his length over his shorts.He yanked your hair back in dissaproval. "I HATE being teased" he released your hair and you didnt stop to think just how much it actually hurt. You simply pulled his shorts down along with his boxers to reveal his throbbing erection. You licked it from the base to the tip before quickly shoving all of him in your mouth before he had another reason to yank your hair for teasing him. You were only sucking for a minute before he put his hand around your throat and pulled you up until you were standing. He then grabbed your arm really tight and dragged you over to a near by table where he pushed you so you were bent over. He was so rough, but you couldn't deny that you enjoyed it. A sheer rush of pain shot thorugh your whole body and he spanked you on the cheek of your arse. And all of a sudden, without any warning, the stinging pain of the smack was met with the pain of Punk shoving all of his length inside you. You had never had someone so deep inside of you, and before you could get used to it he pulled himself out of you and thrusted into you once again. With every thrust he delieved he would spank your arse so hard that you couldn't tell if it was pain or pleasure you was experiencing. But he soon picked up the pace and stopped his spanking, You couldn't help but scream his name at the top of your lungs but he cut you off by once again placing his hand around your throat and squeezing light. "BE.. QUIET!" You obeyed simply becuase you knew what he was capable of. He continued to thurst into you slowly getting faster and harder before you both met your climax. As soon as he had came he pulled out of you and spanked your arse. Leaving you bent over the table. He leant down and kissed where he had left his repeated handprint on your arse cheek. "Good girl"

As we just layed there satisfied with our work I quickly got changed.

"where are you going, don't you want a round 2" Punk said in his husky seductive voice

"well I would love to but I have a long day tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep" and with that I left his locker room and got into the taxi back to my hotel. What the hell did I just do!?

soo what do you think,I kniw the sex scene us in thurd person but it was long and I found it easier writing like that, so are Paige and Punk an item now? Why does Paige despise Dean so much, well you guys are just gonna have to read and find out ;)

omg did you guys see Smackdown and Kaitlyn's impression ig AJ, I think it was spot on haha, so till the next update Chao :P

Team Ambrose Bitches! !

Anti Diva all the way! !

*FM *

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