Triple H has good News

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I was called in to the head office of WWE, where Triple H had arranged a meeting with me about my new storyline. In all honesty I am surprised that I'm getting a storyline this early into my debut, I mean I was starting to create some heat between me and AJ hopefully making me the N.O 1 contender for her divas championship.

I was waiting at the reception, reading a magazine when the

Triple H's assistant daid I could go in, I was smartly dressed in a tight fit skirt, a blouse and black heels. Feeling nervous I slowly opened the door and walked in.

"Ahhh Saraya, please sit down we were waiting for you" Said Triple H.

He was with a bunch of other corporate yes men and with the last people or person I wanted to see.

"I am sorry sir but may I ask what I am doing here with them" I said with clear annoyance in my voice, Dean, Seth and Roman were all in suit sat on the table, I sat a space apart from them. Dean looked at and when I looked back I just could not read the expression on his face, as for Seth and Roman they smiled and I smiled back.

"well Saraya, you will be working with Jon, Colby and Joey on a new storyline I have devised personally which I think is going to make the wwe universe go crazy for the shield" Triple H (Paul) said with a huge smile of satisfaction on his face.

"You will be the fourth member of the Shield, you will accompany them in matches and vice versa, you will become the top heel diva and causes havoc in the company" I was stunned. The last people I wanted to work with, I'm gonna have to fucking work with! I was seriously outraged but I only just got this job and I didn't want to loose it now,I sat there is frustration, glancing and Dean a couple of times who had a huge grin plastered on his face, I was beyond pissed but you gotta do what you gotta do to make a living .triple H handed us a book "so this is an overview of what I want you guys to do and seeing as you all like to talk we are not giving you any scripts, so go with it and don't be afraid to experiment a little, I hope you all enjoy this, now you can go and I'll see you all at Raw next week" and with that I tried to get out of that room as fast as I can, I got out to the front of the building but then I was stopped by Seth,

"Hey Saraya, long time no see"he said with a heart felt smile. I just hugged him which took him by surprise but he hugged me back.

"I have missed you so much Colby, if it wasn't for the whole Jon thing I wish I could see you more and just hang out like we use to" I said honestly.

"so do I but you know how he is, but now we can cause now we're working together" he said while smiling.

"where is Joey?"

"He had to go, family emergency but he told me to give you his number and here is mine, so we can stay in touch, I mean were are gonna have to meet at some point to discuss the storyline"he said, I was frustrated once again just thinking about it.

"I love you guys and it'll be great to work with you but working with Jon is gonna be challenging to say the least, and I am really focused on getting that divas championship so I just don't want any storyline to distract me"i said with honesty. Dean was waiting in the car honking the horn impatiently.

"Still the good old Paige, always determined on what she wants and will get, but we have to do this so text you later, I gotta go" he kissed me on the cheek and left quickly, throughout the whole conversation with Seth I realised that Dean was staring at me. Why does he have to do that!

(Back at the hotel)

I swiped my key, and walked into the room I was sharing with Layla and Kaitlyn. I took of my heels and sat on the bed and the girls were watching a movie, they paused it and quickly scurried over to me on the bed,

"sooo how did it go, what happened" Layla asked in anticipation

"well I got a new storyline" I said not looking interested

"omg that's great, who is it with?" Kaitlyn said clearly happy for me

"the shield. " I said looking down

"you lucky bitch, I mean you get to work with Seth, urgh I am do jealous" Kaitlyn said with a shock on her face because she didn't mean to blurt it out

"omg Kaitlyn, you have a crush on Seth?" I said looking shocked.

"she has been crushing on him ever since his debut on Raw, But I wouldn't blame her, he is hot! Tbh they all are soo hot, Paige, you are a lucky bitch! haha" Layla said while laughing. Kaitlyn looked down, her cheeks blushing.

"Hardly lucky, I mean I dont mind working with Seth or Roman cause I have been friends with then since FCW but Dean and I have a history and I don't really wanna bring that up again, its just gonna be uncomfortable to work with him!" I said whiling getting up to get changed into something mire comfy.

"oh yea I remember you telling me about it, all I can say is don't dawn too much on it, just focus on getting the Divas championship, we can deal with the Shield later, cmon watch this movie with us" Layla said trying to comfort me about this situation

I sat on the corner couch with popcorn in my hand" you know Kate, I could easily get you a Seth together, I'll give him your phone number next time I see him" I said while smiling.

"I will literally love you forever if you do that haha" she said with a huge smile on her face.

"okay, tbh I think you two would make a cute couple together" Kaitlyn blushed thinking about it and we just watched movies and talked the whole night untill we went to bed, I couldn't help but think about how me being in the Shield is going to be a positive or negative aspect on my career, ahh well, as they say go with the flow and with that my eyes grew heavy and I went to sleep...

sorry for the late update guys, but I will try and update twice today so hope you guys are looking forward to it, please vote comment and read this story. I hope you guys are enjoying it and if you have any ideas please feel free to tell me and I will dedicate that Idea to you, so what kind of history do Paige and Dean have? Does Seth like Kaitlyn as much as she likes him? Read on and find out till the next update Chao ;)

Team Ambrose Bitches! !

Anti Diva all the way! !

*FM *

Wrestling, Love and Other Stuff (WWE Dean Ambrose/Paige Love story)Where stories live. Discover now