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Twenty-five things to love about you are...

1. Your beauty

2. Your confidence

3. The way that you hold yourself around others

4. Your stubbornness

5. Your sense of humor

6. Your Teen Wolf and Degrassi obsession

7. The way you argue with people

8. Your reaction to my sarcasm

9. Your sarcasm

10. The way that you don't freak out when I fangirl

11.  The way that you overreact to the smallest things

12. Your handwriting

13. Your laugh

14. The way you curse

15. How nonchalant you are about insults

16. The fact that you feel the need to point out everything ironic about a situation

17. How you suck at math

18. Your insults

19. The fact that you can take a joke

20. The way that you aren't willing to change your beliefs for anyone

21. The way that you live by the statement, "be yourself always"

22. How you always have to be right

23. Your honesty

24. How you have to prove that you are awesome

25. That you are you

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