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Twenty-five things to love about you are...

1. Your accent

2. How you're obsessed with Matthew Espinosa and Twenty-One Pilot

3. How you are our Minecraft mother

4. How protective you are

5. Your beauty

6. Your laugh

7. How you zone out of real life and daydream

8. Your love for sweets

9. Your confidence

10. The face you make when you zone out

11. Your knock-off vans

12. How phantastic you are

13. Your sassiness

14. How you handle my sarcasm

15. How you scold me when I hit someone in Minecraft

16. How you (attempt) to steal things from us

17. Your honesty

18. How clumsy you are

19. When you eat while we're in the middle of a conversation

20. How weird you are when you stare at people

21. Your face when we say that you like someone that you don't

22. Your sense of humor

23. The way that you handle mvchnonsense awkwardness

24. The way you handle teenwolfxftw's stubbornness

25. That you are you

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