Chapter 13

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•Jai's pov•

"Why would I help you?" Selena says, I stop and look over at her, "Because if I get back with Ariana you can get back with Justin, is that not what you wanted?" I say and she looks at me and then drops her gaze down to her feet. What's up with her? "I guess" she whispers and I furrow my eyebrows. She better help me out with this plan.

I dismiss her and she leaves, leaving me alone with my thoughts. If I hadn't been with Selena that one night, none of this would have happened. I was so stupid to get wasted, what the fùck was I thinking? Clearly I wasn't. But in all seriousness this is Justin's fault, how was I suppose to know he would be there?


"Hey Ari thanks for meeting with me" I smile and gesture her to sit on the couch. "I just came here to tell you to leave me and Justin alone" she says and I stop myself from rolling my eyes, does she really think I'm going to let her be with that idiot? "You know I can't do that babe" I say as I sit next to her and put my hand on her thigh. She seats away and gives me a disgusted look. She really hates me doesn't she?

"Come on babe you know you still love me" I say and I start to lean a little more towards her, she starts to back up until she hits the end of the couch, I got her now. I lean in more so I can kiss her, just before my lips touch hers she knees me and I fall to the floor. "You better stay away from Justin and me!" she shouts and leaves my house slamming the door on her way out. Fùck!

I reach into my pocket and call Selena.

"You know what to do" is all I say and hang up.

You're probably wondering what's going on, well let me tell you.

I called Ariana to meet me here so Selena could go over to Justin's and since I knew Ariana would storm out like that, once she goes back to Justin's she'll find him with Selena. Genius isn't it?

Now all I have to do is wait and see if my plan works out.


"Babe I'm home" I shout..... no answer. I wonder where Justin is, I told him I was meeting up with Jai, of course he wasn't happy about it but I convinced him that I was just going over to make things clear and he agreed.

I walk through the hallway and I hear laughter, confusion consumes me and I hear the laughter get louder as i approach the kitchen, who the fùck is here? "He-" I stop in my tracks once my eyes make contact with Selena's . My lips form into a flat line, "Hey babe, how'd it go with Jai?" Justin asks and I turn away from Selena to look at him "Horrible" I say and Justin frowns, from the corner of my eye I see Selena's eyes widen. I turn my gaze back to Selena and she instantly looks down.

"I didn't know you were coming over" I say to Selena and she looks up, she's kinda pink in the cheeks but I pay no attention to that, her mouth opens to say something but Justin steps in "She came to warn us about Jai" I blink a few times, shocked at what Justin just said. "warn us?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah Jai called me over today to ask me, well more like demanded me to help him break you two up, but I couldn't do that, you two look really happy" she says and once again I'm shocked. I for sure though she would want to get back with Justin but I guess I was wrong.

I smile and walk over to her, I wrap my arms around her and give her a squeeze "thank you" I say to her as I pull away, she blushes and mumbles a 'you're welcome'. She seems a bit shy. Weird.

Who would of thought I would be friends with my boyfriends ex who cheated on him with my ex. It's a damn small world that's for sure.

"What should we do about Jai?' I ask.

"How about we trick him into believing his plan worked?" Justin says and I smirk. Selena nods in agreement and we start to discuss our plan.


I grab my phone from my back pocket and start to dial his number.

"Hey" his voice sounds from the other end

"I-I, jai, I don't know w-what to do" I say and sniffle.

"Ariana what's wrong?" he says concern in his voice.

"J-justin cheated o-on me, i-i can't bel-ieve it Jai, what do I do-o?" I say and sniffle again.

"Ari it's ok calm down, why don't you come over to my house and we'll talk ok?" he says and I roll my eyes, he's such an idiot.

"O-ok" I say and hang up.

"He's so gullible" Selena says and I laugh.

"Thanks again Selena, it was very kind of you to tell us about Jai's plan" I say and she smiles.

"No need to thank me Ari, I just did what I knew was right" she says and we hug again. I guess we are going to get along after all.

"Did it work?" I hear Justin say as he walks back into the kitchen, -he went to the bathroom-, I nod an he grins. "alright so I'm going to head over to his house and you two will follow behind, ok? Just incase things get outta hand and I need your help" I say and they nod.


I hop out my car and make my way over to his front door, I let out a breath I was holding, I put my hand into a fist and lift it up to knock on the door, I made sure to mess up my make up so it would look like I was crying, I quickly made myself produce fresh new tears, man I should be an actress.

The door swings open and I pout making it seem like I was devastated. "c'mere babe" he says and opens up his arms" I slowly walk in and walk into his arms. I'm really regretting this. He closes the door and hugs me tight, lord please let this go by quickly.

"I told you he was no good for you" he says and I roll my eyes, thank god he can't see my facial expression. He pulls away and holds me by the shoulders, a tear runs down my cheek and he wipes it away, my skin tenses up at his touch.

"Come on let's go take a seat" he says and we walk over to his living room. I sit where I say earlier today but this time he sits a bit further away from me. "Tell me what happened" he says and I fight the urge to roll my eyes, he damn well knows what was going on.

I start to tell him what "happened" making seen believable. He seems to buy it so I continue to talk, he nods and doesn't say a word.

"So yeah and then I called you, and here we are" I say wiping of the tears off of my eyes with my sleeve, I'm such a great actress, I should win an Oscar.

"Damn, so what now?" he says, I stare at him and he starts to lean, not this again, I stand up "I should get going" I say and he gets up walking me to the door. "Call me if you need me" he says and I just walk away.

I get into my car and start it up, I see Justin's car behind me, we make eyes contact and drive off to my house.


I finally updated holy shiiiiit
So I'm currently working on the next chapter akdkfk hope you guys liked this one I'll try to get the next one up soon

Love ya !

Byeeeeeeeeeeeee -xoxoxo

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