Vacation (Part Two)

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"look jase i don't want things to be awkward between us, you know, after what happened" he nods

"but mind i remind you, you're the one that ignored me for the past two weeks" i bring my hand up and wrap it around my neck.

"i know and i'm sorry, i just didn't want things to get weird between us and well i kind of panicked"

"i get it, friends?" he asks extending his hand out.

i take it "friends" we smile and then get back to preparing the steaks.

"ok who's hungry?!" we both shout.


j a s o n

it's been a few days since we've been here and to my surprise both ariana and i had grown a bit closer. ever since we cleared the air and made amends on what had happened, we started to talk more, well when she wasn't with justin.

i'm glad we got over that awkward state we were in, she's happier and i couldn't deny that seeing her smile and laugh made me happy. i of course know she's happy with justin and i honestly couldn't take that away from her, no matter how in love i think i am with her, yes you heard me in love, how could i not be? she's everything a man could ever want. she was smart, beautiful both inside and out, she's the whole package.

i bring my arms up and put em under my head. i was alone in the room so it was really silent, i didn't know where everyone was, not that i cared, i was really enjoying being by myself.

a small knock is heard causing me to look over to the door. i see ariana walk in and i suddenly grow nervous. "hey jase" her soft voice echoes throughout the room "hey what's up?" she takes a seat on the edge of the bed and i notice she's a bit worried. "is everything ok?"

"no, not really" i scoot over and sit next to her.

"what happened?" i ask and she sighs running her hand over her face.

"i received a message this morning, i didn't know what to do when i read it, i wanted to tell justin but i didn't want to worry him, so i thought it was best if i came to you" nodding she takes out her phone and unlocks it handing it over to me.

From: Unknown
I hope you enjoy your little "vacation" because i'll be waiting for all of you when you all come back..

locking her phone i hand it back to her and tug on my hair.

"do you think it's jai? i mean of course it is, who else would it be" i say rolling my eyes at my ridiculous question. i stand up and start to pace back and forth.

"i'll talk to kylie, her and i will head back and try to see what's going on" ariana shakes her head and stands up, walking up to me she takes ahold of my arm.

"i'll be the one to go with you" this time i shake my head, it'd be too dangerous for her to head back without knowing what's happening first.

"no, you have to stay with justin"

"no! i'm coming with you and that's final. i'll talk to justin" knowing she won't change her mind i nod and walk over to my closet and grab all my clothes. ariana tells me she'll be back and walks out the room.

after i've made sure all my things are packed and ready to go i hear ariana walk in with her suitcase.
"all set?" she nods and we both walk out.

"everyone left while i was here with you, kylie texted me saying something about bungee jumping, justin left with them too, so i left a note for everyone, don't worry though i didn't say why we really left" nodding we walk out the room and make our way towards the van that's taking us to airport. my mind drifts as i think about what justin is going to think of ariana and i leaving together. i just hope it doesn't cause any drama because the last thing i need is for us to be mad and not focus on keeping everyone safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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