Chapter Fourteen

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Rythian's POV

The fire started so suddenly. All of us went for the doors but they were all locked. We tried breaking down the doors but nothing happened. Everyone started screaming it was so hard to think.

Then I remembered,

Rythian's Memory 

"Can I teleport like you do?" I asked O.Rythian as he worked.

"Only in this world, I can sense you can since you are me but you don't have to worry about it." He said.

"How do I do it?"

"Just focus where you want to go, it's easy but you need to be calm to do it."

I snapped back reality, "Everyone quiet!" I yelled and they all looked at me, "I know how to get out of here, just hold hands and make a circle!" Hannah grabbed Simon's and my hand who held Minty then Nilesy then Martyn and Toby(They only just came) and then Zoey held my other one. I closed my eyes then concentrated on the outside.

I opened them and I saw it was raining, I hate the rain. Everyone let go and Nilesy and Simon threw up. I fell to my knees, the teleportation was exhausting.

Everything dimmed then went black.

Sparkles'/Tom's POV 

I heard screams coming from Honeydew Inc. and I saw a flying figure. Everywhere it went I could hear a new scream or an explosion. Alex came to join me as I watched. Alex and me slowly made our way tot he factory after contacting Strippin', Benji, Daltos, Zylus and Panda to meet us there.

Soon, we arrived and they were already there, Panda and Benji were tending to a few of the kids that were standing there. They looked similar to the people that got attacked. They told us what had happened and we were surprised that they were from another dimension. Panda, Strippin', Daltos and Zylus agreed to look for any survivors.

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